Chapter Nine

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A/N- I want to acknowledge that in canon the third task takes place about three weeks after Draco's birthday. We're gonna ignore that and pretend it happened before.


Hadara pouts horribly as she sits on a Hospital Wing bed. "I don't need medical attention. I just felt a bit faint."

"You will sit Lady Potter, until I'm certain you're well."

Madame Pomphrey runs a diagnostic charm, tutting at the results. "You have an iron and vitamin deficiency. It's fairly common in those who struggle to eat a varied diet. Easily remedied with a daily potion. Besides that you're right as rain."

Hadara stuck her tongue out at Draco, who rolled his eyes in response. He'd be willing to bet the reason she struggled to eat a varied diet was because of the starvation she suffered at the hands of those insufferable Muggles. Not to mention the anxiety of being in constant danger at Hogwarts.

Cissa had somehow found a piece of parchment and a quill. "Hadara darling, tell me what foods you like so I can have Dobby stock them. We must make sure you're well taken care of this summer."

Hadara obediently listed her favorites. Cissa wrote, and banished the list. Hadara imagined it was sent to the kitchen in Malfoy Manor.

Is this what it was like to have a mother fuss over you? Hadara decides she likes it. Cissa fills the role naturally, not at all like Misses Weasley, whom Hadara had always viewed as more of an invading force.

Cissa swipes an errant curl away from Hadara's face and tucks it into her braid behind her ear. "If you like, I can make your daily potion. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it will make. I had to take them when I was young too. You don't realize how tired you really are, until you start to feel better."

"That would be nice," Hadara smiles, tears building in her eyes. She can't imagine she'll ever get used to this tenderness, to the care the Malfoy's show her.

"I'll have them done tomorrow. Dobby can bring them to you."

Madame Pomphrey comes bustling back with a few potion vials in her hand. "These should last you a few days, until you can get more. I expect you'll feel much better after a few months."

Hadara sighs as she takes them. Lucius is looking at her in a way that says very clearly that she better take care of herself. Draco is sporting a matching, though slightly more amused, look. It's clear she won't be getting out of this one.


Hadara wakes early the next day to Dobby on the end of her bed. He's sitting with a two tier tray of potions on his lap. They sparkle in the morning sun, the color of a pink peony.

"The Great Lady has awoken! Mistress is bidding me to bring your potion. Is having everything you needs in it."

Hadara smiles as she pushes herself up carefully, so as to not shake the vials. She takes the tray and sets it on her bedside table. Once again it appears she's slept in, and everyone else has left for breakfast. Though knowing Hermione, she's probably waiting for her in the Common Room.

"Cissa must have brewed all night to make these," she notes, watching how the light plays on the vials. Part of her feels guilty. Surely Cissa needs her sleep too.

Dobby tilts his head to look at her, with his wide set eyes. "It being what mothers do...well... it being what good mother's do."

"Right," Hadara whispers.

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