Chapter Twelve

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Draco steps close to Hadara. The moonlight shimmers off the blood that paints her robes. They've been back at Malfoy Manor for mere moments. The scene is set masterfully by Lucius and Cissa, ready for the Aurors to arrive. Hadara's eyes are vacant in a way that scares Draco.

"Are you okay?"

Hadara blinks and shakes her head. "I'm fine, merely preparing myself to deal with the Aurors."

Draco takes a few steps back, and allows Hadara to shift into a different head space. Cissa turns and looks over her shoulder. Peter has been fed the Veritaserum, and silenced, his wand splintered into places by Lucius' shoe so that he can't escape.

"Dobby," Cissa calls.

Dobby pops into existence beside her. His eyes blow wide at the scene around him. He runs to Hadara. "Great Lady, what happened?"

Hadara doesn't answer. She's lost in thought again, thinking about what must be done next, thinking about what she's already lost. Draco speaks for her.

"Call the Aurors, Dobby. Hadara has been attacked."

"Right away!"

Dobby pops away and Lucius crosses to Hadara. He bends down so that he can look in her eyes. "Hadara, are you with us?"

"I'm here," she whispers, her eyes snapping back to lucidity.

Lucius nods tightly, "Remember, the key to lying is making sure there's an element of truth. Tell as much truth as you can, without giving yourself away."

Hadara nods as she hears the apparition of Aurors at the edge of the wards. Tonks and Kingsley Shacklebolt that appear first. It's with wide eyes and a stomach full of dread that they take in the sight of Hadara. She's covered in blood splatter. There's a body crumpled in the grass not four feet from her, and her wand arm is shaking slightly.

Tonks approaches her and asks as softly as she can, "Can you tell us what happened?"

"Voldemort," Hadara says, pointing her wand at the body. "He and Pettigrew attacked me."

"Pettigrew?" Kingsley asked, his head snapping around. On the ground beside Cissa, bound and gagged is none other than Peter Pettigrew. "We have to call the Minister," Kingsley says, his voice deep and commanding.

"Then call him," Tonks answers, her temper short.

A patronus is sent and in a matter of seconds the Minster is waiting at the edge of the wards. Lucius lets him, and several other Aurors that protect him, inside the wards.

"Voldemort?" The Minister blusters. "It can't really be him."

"I bet Dumbledore would know," one of the Aurors' muse.

"Lady Potter must be taken in for questioning," The Minister cuts in.

Cissa steps forward. "Surely that's not necessary."

"Not necessary?! Someone has been killed. She is covered in blood from head to toe. Even in self defense, this is underage magic, and not her first offense. She must give an account of tonight, and her wand must be tested. It's standard protocol."

Kingsley winces. "She's been through enough tonight. Surely it can wait."

"Do it," The Minister commands before turning his back to Kingsley and Tonks, and whispering orders to the other Aurors.

"Don't worry," Kingsley whispers. "I'll send a Patronus to Dumbledore and he'll meet us at the Ministry. You want be in any trouble."

Hadara manages a one sided smile. "Thank Merlin for Dumbledore...and Kings?"

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