Chapter Seven

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Draco rests his chin on Hadara's shoulder. She's watching Hermoine and Pansy dance around the Room of Requirement with a face that suggests she'd rather be literally anywhere else.

"Hello, darling."

"Hello, Draco."

Draco takes a few steps to stand in front of her. "Are you still cross with me?"

Hadara pouts up at him with her arms crossed. "I am cross at the idea of having to perform in front of the entire school, and also slightly with you. You should have told me."

Draco leans down to look her in her eyes. "I'm very sorry. If I told you I had a present for you, would that make it better?"

Hadara considers it. Finally she shrugs, "It certainly wouldn't hurt."

Draco pulls a box from his pocket, and opens it, with a gleam in his eyes. Hadara leans forward as her mind empties of insecurity. She's entranced by the gold earrings that rest on a bed of black velvet. Delicate gold filigree holds ruby drops from above, like the petals of a flower.

"They're stunning," Hadara whispers.

"Only the best for you."

The last of her frustration melts out of her, replaced by fondness. "Fine. I forgive you this time, but you can't just buy me jewelry every time you mess up."

"Of course not, but then there's always clothes, and brooms, and one day maybe even real estate."

Hadara giggles, "You are ridiculous. Can you help me put these on?"

"Of course."

Draco hands one to her at a time, smiling when she has them on. Gold suits her so well. "You make them look good."

Hadara blushes, "Stop flattering me, and teach me how to dance."

"I can do both," Draco assures her.

He takes a moment to teach her how to hold her arms, and where to put her hands. It takes Hadara a moment, but soon she's getting the hang of it. Her body follows his, led by his strong frame. Hermione dances by with Pansy in her arms.

"Who's leading who, there?" Hadara asks Draco with a smile.

Draco watches them out of the corner of his eye for a moment. "To be completely honest, I'm not sure. It keeps switching, like they're having some kind of unspoken fight."

"Probably because neither wants to be the first to break and ask the other to the Yule ball."

Draco rolls his eyes. "How absurd."

"We really have no room to talk."

"I didn't want the upper hand. I just didn't want to scare you off. Not like I did in first year."

"Let's just agree that eleven year olds make silly decisions and move on."

Draco nods as he leads her through a twirl out, and back into his arms.

"What if I get nervous with everyone watching me?" Hadara asks. "Like stage fright?"

"You don't get shy when you play quidditch."

"That's different. It's the whole team, not just me."

Draco muses on the question for a moment before responding. "I'm no expert, but I expect stage fright is really a fear of failure in front of an audience. Let me assure you, I won't allow that to happen. I'm strong enough to pick you up and make it look good if you stumble."

"How very modest of you."

"Is it? I was going for self assured. I've never been accused of modesty before. I'm not sure how I feel about it."

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