8. Warning

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My breath caught at Nash's question. At the same time, a Flatlander stumbled back from a hit she'd deflected several feet away and spun around to face me. I ripped my dagger from my side and planted it against Nash's right kidney between our backs, all while I slashed for the woman in front of me.

Nash didn't turn, but I heard his breathing slow.

Keeping my blade on him, I kicked the warrior in her gut when she clumsily attacked. Her body slammed back into the blade of her first opponent.

I gritted my teeth. "I warned you–"

"I couldn't tell you with so many listening. The Prophet wants the head of any captive who falls in battle to prove you didn't flee. Be smart."

I withdrew my knife from his back. How did he know what I planned to do? It was a desperate, obvious plan, wasn't it? One that I couldn't chance now that Nash suspected it. I'd have to find another way.

Two Flatlanders wearing helmets with black feathers pushed through their comrades for us. Another with a red feather approached from further back. We'd been noticed. Must have been commanders coming to deal with us.

"You're warning me?" I asked.

The closest officer sprinted for us, sword raised above her head.

"I'm not who you think I am." Nash ripped his blades up.

"We'll see."

I dropped my weapon and shield.

Whipped out my bow and notched an arrow in one fluid motion.

The commander reared back for a long, full stab of her blade. But I trusted Nash's blades and I aimed my arrow for the Flatlander charging right behind the commander.

Nash slammed both his swords down against hers and knocked her weapon free of her grip. My arrow shot through the open mouth of the unsuspecting man. As Nash wrenched his swords back up, I'd already notched another arrow, and we followed-through at the same time.

Nash's blades thrust through the officer's diaphragm.

My arrow pierced a Flatlander's throat.

Nash defended against the Flatlanders closest to us, while I shot for those who had turned toward us. Though I'd lost my power, I'd worked to salvage the inklings of it that could come as instinct. I unleashed two arrows at once, guiding them with my will as much as my aim.

Someone behind me. I threw myself to the ground, rolled off my shoulder, and rose back up with my shield, ducked entirely behind it. Even with my whole body propping up my defense, the whack of the sword drove me onto my ass. I rolled with the momentum and came up on my feet, batting away another hit with my shield.

Nash rushed for my attacker, but I'd grabbed my sword, and I deflected the next hit, leaving the man open. We both stabbed him at the same time.

The red-feathered commander pushed a young warrior aside and hefted his battle ax, eyes shifting between Nash and me. With his other hand, he lifted a large spear, and threw it through the air.

Nash slashed it in half and pivoted for the last commander. I shifted onto my toes. Two Flatlanders sprinted from behind him and drove their blades for Nash.

The ax flashed in a glint of the sun. I ducked and jumped backward.

More Flatlanders surrounded us. The fear of it only sharpened my senses as I dodged another blow.

"Max!" Wren burst out in front of me and swung for one of the Flatlanders nearby, protecting me so I could focus on this opponent. Leif was close behind, taking down Flatlanders on his way to us.

Eclipse: Time Thief (Romantasy)Where stories live. Discover now