14. Save Them

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Wren's face twisted with grief. "Max," she whispered.

"I've got him." I squeezed his hand. "Go be a commander."

Wren was the best tracker we had. She'd follow the Flatlanders and watch for an opportunity to help our people.

"Stay alive," Wren whispered. She kissed Leif's head. "We need you."

Wren grabbed me in a quick hug and took off for camp.

"Alright." I stared at Leif, overwhelmed. I had to stabilize him and move him. What if I could reach more of my power? I'd never come close to the amount I would need to help stop the blood loss. But I had to try.

Leif's eyes opened as I placed my hands on his chest.

"Don't." He grunted through gritted teeth. "No, Max."

I froze.

"You never said... So I never asked..." He shook his head. "I may not know your reasons, but I do know this. You never use your power."


"I've known you too long not to know, Max."

"I can't use it," I whispered. "It's a curse. Sometimes, I can catch the smallest amount. So, quiet. I'm not letting you die. I have to find a way to do this."

"I'll be okay." He smiled at me like he could possibly calm me or placate me.

"Rest and let me work."

"Leave, Max. It isn't safe."

"I'm not leaving you."

He clutched my wrist with a warm, bloody hand. "This is your chance to escape. That was your plan."

I dug my nails into my palm. "Not without you!"

"You have to. Save them... Save Arn and our little Rune. Please, save my family."

"We will save them."

He breathed out slowly and then he belted out a roar. I fell back, eyes bulging.

"Come kill me, you cowards!" Leif screamed it.

"Stop it!" I clamped my hands over his mouth. "I can take you away and stabilize you when we're far enough."

"I won't last that long." Leif grabbed my hands and pulled them down to his chest. "I love you, girl. Go make us proud."


Hands grabbed at me from behind. Strong grasp. Nash. I hadn't even noticed him approaching.

"Leif!" I reached for his hand as Nash pulled on me.

"Just go," Leif whispered harshly.

"Come on." Nash tugged.

"Get her out of here." Leif stared past me with hard eyes. "Hurry!"

Nash caught my wrists and pulled my hands against my body, wrapping me up in his arms. He lifted me from my feet as he rushed deeper into the woods.

I tried to wrench away but Nash was too strong. I couldn't budge. Teeth gritted, I kicked his shins, slammed my head back against his neck, managed to rip an arm free as he coughed. The fire that consumed our camp burned within me. All of it. I twisted and punched Nash in the jaw with all my strength.

"Fuck!" He dropped me and grabbed his face. "Max!" I'd hoped he would give up, but an arm that felt as unyielding as steel locked around my waist and ripped me back against that hard chest of his.

That was an insanely hard hit. Had I used some power for that? There was no time to figure it out or to fight with Nash. I had to rescue Leif. Boots pounded in the field, drawing closer and closer.

Desperation and fury tore my mind in two.

"Stop..." Leif reached his hand for me like I had when Flare dragged me through the woods. "Goodbye." He smiled.

Peace flooded me. Peace from the knowing look on Leif's face. He'd made up his mind. It melted the anger within me into sorrow. Tears gathered in my eyes. A sob wrenched from my chest.

"He'll be alright." Nash's voice whispered in my ear as he secured my wrists again. "The demons can keep him alive. They're taking prisoners. You saw that. Your people are alive. They'll want Leif. He's valuable."

Footsteps near the woods. I had to be quiet or they'd hear. I fell listless as Nash carried me away, Leif's body blurring in my teary eyes.

"We'll save him," Nash said. "The smart way."

As the ground raced beneath my feet, it blurred, and it twisted, and it tore in two. The slipping swept the earth from beneath me. I had no hope of stopping it. One moment, I was in the forest with Nash, abandoning Leif with our enemies.

And the next... Fluorescent bulbs burned bright overhead in our training room.

Eclipse: Time Thief (Romantasy)Where stories live. Discover now