33. Dying Embers

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The strain of using my freshly awakened powers over such an extended period of time combined with my exhaustion from the fight drained my energy at an alarming rate. I had to end this.

Growling through clenched teeth, I slammed my heel against the guard's wound. He screamed in blind rage, blood pumping from his shoulder.

Off to the side, Nash coughed up spurts of red, choking now as he lay on his back, too weak to roll over. Had to make it to him, damn it.

We would die at this rate. I couldn't let this happen.

My sword lay on the ground, out of reach, so I pulled myself toward it along the cave floor.

The last man left alive was out for blood. He was wearing down fast, but Nash and I were going down faster.

Nash twisted enough to spit out a mouthful of blood. His body fell limp, breathing ragged. I held his wound closed. Only one more. I could do this. Had to.

The guard rose and took me with him, his grip impossibly strong despite his injury. He grabbed my face and gathered my wrists with his other hand, tightening his hold until it felt like he'd crush my skull.

In his fury, my enemy wanted me to suffer as he had. His fingers tightened until my teeth cut into my cheeks, filling my mouth with blood, and the pressure forced black spots into my vision.

Instead of going for the kill, he swung his fist for my gut. I lifted my knees, managing to block the first hit. But the second battered my ribs so hard the pain paralyzed me for a moment. He hit me again in the same spot.

It nearly broke my focus on my power.

I sank my teeth into his hand, funneling my pain into that bite. Hot blood rushed into my mouth. At the same time, he had punched the same place on me again. My ribs gave in like twigs snapping.

Then, he dropped me and ripped away from my teeth. Desperation drove me forward as I clawed my way across the ground and buried my fingers in his shoulder wound. We both screamed. Knives of pain hacked at my ribs.

All the while, the life and blood continued to drain from my Nash as my hold on his wound weakened.

The guard thrashed as I clawed my fingers deeper into his open wound. He tried to shove me away, but I clung with all I had, digging my nails deeper and deeper until my hand ripped his wound wide open.

The man's head dropped back. He spasmed and cried out. And then he collapsed in a pool of his own blood.

I grabbed my sword and stumbled. Fell to the ground. Dragging myself back up, I struggled to each man and sliced their necks to ensure they were dead.

Exhaustion pulled me to my knees beside Nash.

"It's over." I hardly had enough breath to speak. "Hold still."

Black spots danced in my vision.


As the adrenaline faded, the pain flared in my body. Each breath felt like something stabbing me in my side. The brute had broken my ribs.

Unable to sit up any longer, I collapsed over Nash, barely keeping pressure on his wound as I struggled to stay awake.

I could hear the pain in his labored breathing. I was losing him.

"You're... hurt..." Nash said. "Live."

"Shut up. Elsie is waiting for you." I wiped the sweat from my face and spit out the blood in my mouth. "Trish."

"Trish..." Nash wheezed in a breath. Blood covered his lips. Speckled his left cheek. "I want someone... who fights with me... She gave in..."

"Save your strength, Nash."

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