The Day Before Valentines

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Welcome to Kimetsu Academy, a school built like a soap opera, but better. Love is something that is priceless, but very hard/or easy to get and understand.

Zenistu's Pov

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! I really need to impress Nezuko with all the things she would adore, she'll definitely fall for me! Nezuko Nezuko Nezuko Nezuko Nezuko Nezuko NEZUKO!!!!!!!! Maybe Tanjiro might know what she likes.

"Tanjiro," I shouted "What can I buy for Nezuko? What are her preferences?"

"Well," he pondered, "Nezuko enjoys doing needlework, and she even crafted this adorable scarf for me!"

"What about her favorite food?" I hesitated. 

"Nezuko loves Konpeito*, she claims it's even better than chocolate, in her opinion." Tanjiro chuckled.

"Thanks Tanjiro, I think I've got this." I put on a confident face and headed out the door. "Goodbye Zenitsu!" "Goodbye Tanjiro!" Tomorrow is going to be the most amazing day ever."

*Konpeitō (金平糖, こんぺいとう), also spelled kompeitō, is a type of Japanese sugar candy. It takes the form of a small sphere with a bumpy surface and comes in a variety of colors and flavors. While Konpeitō, introduced from Portugal, was a sugar-coated confection with a poppy seed or sesame seed center, the Japanese eventually transformed it into an all-sugar confection with a zarame (ザラメ, coarse sugar) center.x

Tanjiro's Pov

 It's Valentine's Day tomorrow! I should definitely give gifts to my friends and teachers. But before that, I need to see what Nezuko's doing. I wonder what Zenitsu's up to, I wonder why he asked me those questions. When I got home, I found Nezuko making heart-shaped chocolates. Since we own a bakery, we have all the ingredients we need. Plus, Nezuko is really good at making chocolate, although she insists that I'm even better.

"Wow, Nezuko! These chocolates look amazing!"

"Oni-Chan! Are you done with your club? How was it?"

"It was great! Zenitsu and Inosuke were there, so I didn't have to worry about anything."

"That's nice. Can you help me with the chocolates? It's taking too long."

"Of course, Nezuko. I don't have anything else to do right now."

I love making chocolate, but the best part is seeing the joy on people's faces when they receive it. It really brightens up my day. After we finished making the chocolates, I washed my hands because they were covered in chocolate.

"Tanjiro," Mom called out. "Can you help Takeo, Hanako, and Shigeru with their Valentine's gifts?"

"Sure thing, Okaa-san." I went upstairs and asked, "So what are you guys making?"

"I'm making cards with Shigeru!" Hanako replied. "But someone here isn't following the instructions." Hanako gave me a stern look while Shigeru looked at me innocently. "Just try to get along," I said. "You'll work it out, maybe even give each other a hug. It doesn't matter. I can help."

"Yay! At least I can work with someone who knows what they're doing," Hanako said with a sassy side-eye. Shigeru pouted and looked away. I laughed and tried to cheer up Shigeru.

"And what about you, Takeo? What are you working on?"

"I don't know. It's confusing," Takeo replied. He seemed unsure. "I want to give something, but I don't know what."

"I can smell love," I blurted out. Takeo blushed.

"You didn't smell anything!"

"But my nose never lies." I said. "Okay, fine! I'll tell you. It's a girl," Takeo confessed. "Her name is... Fumiko. I just don't know what to give her."

"You don't have to give her anything. Just tell her your feelings."

"Okay, I'll listen to your advice because you're my big brother."

I grinned.

"So, big brother, do you have a crush on anyone?" Takeo smirked.

"Well, I have a soft spot for everyone."

"Big brother!! Please?" Hanako exclaimed.

"Yeah," Shigeru replied. "Who do you have a crush on!?"

I blushed. "Well, I'm not head over heels for her, but I think she's cute and she's not very talkative..."

"Just tell us her name already!" Takeo urged.

"Um... well... her name is..."

"Tanjiro! Can you help me with dinner?"

"Coming, Mom! I have to go."

During dinner, they kept pestering me, but I kept my crush a secret. I just really like her, that's all. 

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