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On a crisp, dewy morning, the first rays of sunlight gently crept through the curtains of Tanjiro's room. The soft chirping of birds filled the air, the world awakening to a new day. But amidst this tranquil scene, there was an underlying sense of melancholy that enveloped Tanjiro's heart.

His mother, a figure of warmth and love, gently shook him awake. Her eyes were filled with a sadness that mirrored his own. Today was the day they had been dreading, the day that would mark the end of the life they had known.

"Tanjiro, it's time to wake up," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with sorrow.Tanjiro's heart sank as he reluctantly opened his eyes, dreading the reality that awaited him. The weight of impending loss hung heavy in the air. He didn't want this to happen, and seeing his mother's despondent expression only served to deepen his despair.

Forcing himself to get up, Tanjiro went through the motions of getting ready for school. As he stepped outside, the familiar faces of his friends greeted him. Zenitsu and Inosuke, usually so full of energy and laughter, looked at him with concern as he managed a weak smile.Passing by Kanao, a gentle and kind-hearted classmate, Tanjiro could see the shock in her eyes as she observed his somber demeanor. She hesitated for a moment before speaking up, her voice laced with worry.

"Tanjiro, is everything okay? Did I do something to upset you?" Kanao asked, her concern palpable.

"No, Kanao, it's not you. I just... I can't explain right now," Tanjiro replied quietly, his emotions threatening to spill over.

The school day passed in a haze, with Tanjiro struggling to maintain a façade of normalcy. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Kanao approached him with a determined expression on her face. Without hesitation, she enveloped him in a tight hug, urging him to confide in her.

Tears welled up in Tanjiro's eyes as he finally let down his guard, he calmed down and slowly explained. "A politician is tearing down our house. We have nowhere else to go. We're being forced out," he choked out, his voice filled with pain. Tanjiro couldn't help but weep uncontrollably.

Kanao's eyes widened in shock. "You're... leaving?!" she whispered, her voice trembling.Tanjiro nodded, his shoulders shaking as he was overcome by a wave of grief. The reality of their situation crashed down on him like a relentless storm, threatening to drown him in despair.After school, as they made their way home, Kanao ran to Tanjiro as they approached their car. She held onto him tightly, her heart aching for his pain. But as he stepped out of the car and turned to look back at her, the words he spoke shattered her world.

"KANAO! I STILL LOVE YOU," Tanjiro declared, his voice raw with emotion.Unable to process his confession, Kanao ran away, her sobs echoing in the empty streets, she has never cried so hard in her life before. As she fled, she crossed paths with Zenitsu, who had overheard the events of the day at school. Tears streamed down his face as he lamented the absence of Nezuko, his beloved 'girlfriend" who had been torn from him.

Meanwhile, Aoi approached Inosuke, who sat by the grave of his deceased grandmother, his body wracked with silent sobs. The weight of loss and change hung heavily in the air, each character grappling with their own personal demons and tragedies.

And amidst it all, Tanjiro stood alone, the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. The world around him was crumbling, the familiar slipping away like sand through his fingers. But in the midst of the chaos and heartache, his love for Kanao burned bright, a beacon of hope in a world that seemed determined to extinguish it.As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the horizon, Tanjiro stood amidst the ruins of his former life, his heart heavy with sorrow yet brimming with a newfound resilience. The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and pain, but he knew that as long as he held onto love, hope, and the memories of those he cherished, he would find the strength to carry on.

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