Glistering Lights

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In the soft morning sunlight, Zenitsu stood with nervous energy, meticulously brushing down his clothes in front of the well-loved bakery. The enticing aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, heightening his anticipation. His heart fluttered as the door swung open, revealing the warm smile of Mrs. Kamado, the bakery's kind owner."Good morning, Zenitsu," Mrs. Kamado chirped, her voice as sweet as the treats she served. "Come on in, dear." 

As Zenitsu stepped inside, his eyes eagerly scanned the room until they landed on the enchanting figure of Nezuko. Her gentle presence filled the space, and Zenitsu felt a blush creeping up his cheeks. "H-hi, Nezuko," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nezuko turned towards him, her eyes sparkling with optimism. "Hello, Zenitsu," she greeted, her voice carrying a warmth that melted any remaining traces of Zenitsu's nerves.

Together, they ventured outside into the vibrant morning, their souls intertwined in a day full of adventure. Their first stop was the museum, a sanctuary of art and culture that ignited Nezuko's curiosity and sparked thoughtful discussions between the two. As they moved on to a bowling alley, Nezuko's eyes lit up with excitement at the challenge before her, her graceful movements and genuine laughter captivating Zenitsu's heart.

Next, they spent time gardening, Nezuko's delicate touch bringing life to every bloom she tended to. Zenitsu watched in awe as she interacted with nature, her connection to the earth both mesmerizing and touching. As they explored the colorful world of painting, Nezuko's artistic talent shone, her creations a testament to her inner beauty and creativity. Zenitsu even made a flower crown to emersed her beauty, but the Gardner was enraged, since he didn't read the "No Picking Flowers" board, Zenitsu had to pay.

After a day filled with exploration and laughter, Nezuko expressed her fatigue, yet her eyes sparkled with anticipation for what lay ahead. Zenitsu, eager to make every moment special, suggested they try karaoke, wanting to hear the melody of Nezuko's voice. As they sang, Zenitsu was spellbound, his applause ringing loud and clear as he marveled at the beauty of her soulful singing.

Their day continued with a sweet indulgence in ice cream, Nezuko's laughter ringing like music in Zenitsu's ears. With each passing moment, their bond deepened, a connection forged through shared experiences and genuine affection. As they finished their sweet treat, Nezuko surprised Zenitsu by tugging him towards an escape room, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

With a laugh, Zenitsu followed her lead, his heart racing at the prospect of facing the unknown by her side. As they entered the escape room, Zenitsu's fear melted away in the warmth of Nezuko's presence, her unwavering optimism giving him the courage to tackle any challenge that lay ahead.

In the maze of puzzles and mystery, Zenitsu and Nezuko worked together seamlessly, their minds united in a shared goal. Each puzzle solved brought them closer, strengthening the bond that had blossomed throughout their day of adventure and discovery. As they emerged victorious from the escape room, their smiles mirrored the joy that filled their hearts.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink, Zenitsu and Nezuko stood together, hearts intertwined in a day that had woven magic into every moment. With a shared glance and a knowing smile, they knew that their journey together was only just beginning, a tapestry of friendship and love waiting to unfold in the days to come.

In the heart of a bustling city that mirrored the vibrant streets, Zenitsu and Nezuko strolled through the gleaming lights and towering structures that painted the night with an enchanting glow. The light of the streetlamps danced across their faces, casting a soft radiance that seemed to shimmer with the promise of magic.

Nezuko's eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and wonder as she took in the sights of the bustling city around her, her silky black hair flowing like a river of midnight against her porcelain skin. Zenitsu couldn't help but steal glances at her, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find the right words to express the swirling emotions within him. As they walked, the gentle hum of the city wrapped around them like a comforting embrace, the distant sounds of laughter and music adding to the tapestry of the night. Nezuko turned to Zenitsu, a warm smile playing on her lips as she gazed at him with eyes that held a world of secrets.

Zenitsu felt his cheeks flush as he gathered his courage, his heart beating like a drum in his chest. "Nezuko," he whispered, the words tumbling out in a rush, "I... I like you. More than just a friend. I like you... a lot."Nezuko's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks blossoming with a rosy hue as she looked at Zenitsu, her heart racing in her chest. She took a deep breath, her voice soft and filled with emotion. "Zenitsu," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, "I knew that from the beginning. I like you too. More than just a friend. "

A smile spread across Zenitsu's face like the first light of dawn, his heart soaring with a happiness that seemed to light up the night around them. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they basked in the glow of their shared confession, the city around them fading into the background as they walked hand in hand, their steps in sync with the beating of their hearts.

As they walked, Zenitsu's gaze fell upon a quaint little store nestled between two towering buildings, a display of glittering rings catching his eye. His heart skipped a beat as he looked at Nezuko, a sudden vision flashing through his mind – Nezuko in a white dress, a veil of silk cascading down her back, her eyes filled with nothing but love for him.

He hesitated for a moment, his breath catching in his throat as he reached out to touch the delicate ring in the display, the cool metal sending a shiver down his spine. 

He turned to Nezuko, imagining her as a bride. 

After the bus home. He went back after dropping of Nezuko. Her sweet voice saying goodbye. Zenitsu could not get out of thought of her being his future bride.

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