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Tanjiro looked at his mother, his heart pounding with anxiety. His mother's solemn expression did nothing to ease his growing worry. "Have you told Nezuko yet?" he asked, his voice quivering slightly.

His mother sighed, her gaze filled with a mix of sadness and resignation. "No, Tanjiro. I haven't found the right moment."

Tanjiro's panic heightened at her response. "Is there anything we can do about it? We can't just!..."

His mother shook her head gently. "No, Tanjiro. We must wait for the right time. I don't want to worry the rest."

Tanjiro's eyes flitted over to his younger siblings, Nezuko and Takeo, who were watching him with concern etched on their faces. He tried to offer them a reassuring smile before turning his gaze towards their family bakery.

Feeling overwhelmed, Tanjiro made his way upstairs, the weight of the situation bearing down on him. Nezuko and Takeo exchanged worried glances, their mother soothing them with soft words and gentle touches. Hanako and Shigeru wondering what caused Tanjiro's unease, while Rokuta, the youngest in their family, looked up with tear-filled eyes, mirroring the heaviness of the moment.

As the evening sun cast a warm glow over their home, Hanako spoke up, her voice laced with concern. "Did anything bad happen on Oni-chan's date?" she inquired, her eyes searching for answers. Their mother's reply was a soft, "No, Hanako. Nothing bad happened today." With a deep sigh, their mother looked at their house... the bakery, a place filled with memories of hard work and dedication that she and her deceased husband had poured into it. The scent of freshly baked bread lingered in the air, offering a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty that loomed over their family.

Tanjiro sat on the edge of his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the delicate situation with the others. His worry for his family consumed him, a feeling of responsibility weighing heavily on his shoulders.

Nezuko and Takeo peeked into his room, their eyes filled with concern. "Onii-chan, are you okay?" they asked in unison, their voices laced with worry.

Tanjiro managed a weak smile, trying to mask his inner turmoil. "I'll be fine, don't worry," he reassured them, though his own fears gnawed at him from within.

Their mother's voice floated up the stairs, her gentle words reaching Tanjiro's ears. "It will be alright, Tanjiro. We will find a way to handle this."

Tanjiro nodded slowly, the weight of his mother's words settling in his heart. Tanjiro found himself lost in his thoughts. The sound of his siblings' hushed whispers and his mother's soothing tones drifted through the quiet house, offering a sense of unity in the face of uncertainty.

In the darkness of his room, Tanjiro layed on his bed, his chest heaving with pent-up emotions, tears soaking his pillow. 

The weight of the recent events lay heavily on his shoulders, and he felt lost in a whirlwind of confusion and sadness. His mother, a beacon of strength and comfort, sensed his distress and rushed upstairs to his side.

As she entered his room, her eyes filled with concern, she gazed at her son's tear-streaked face. "Everything will be all right, Tanjiro," she whispered softly, her voice like a soothing balm. "I've decided that we must move on. Dinner's ready downstairs. You need to eat; otherwise, you'll have a headache tomorrow. You have to be strong and support your family. I love you. Come downstairs with me."

Her words resonated deeply within Tanjiro, cutting through the storm of his emotions. He clung to her words like a lifeline, finding solace in her unwavering love and guidance. Slowly, he sat up, wiping his eyes and nodding in silent acknowledgment. Together, they descended the stairs, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air.

As they entered the warm glow of the kitchen, the aroma of a home-cooked meal enveloped them. Tanjiro's mother had prepared his favorite dish, hoping to bring some comfort to her son's troubled heart. The table was set with care, their family's unity reflected in the simple act of sharing a meal together.

As they ate, Tanjiro couldn't shake off the lingering heaviness in his heart. The memory of his outburst lingered, a reminder of his vulnerability and fragility. Yet, amidst the sadness, a flicker of determination sparked within him. He knew he had to find the strength to move forward, to be there for his family, just as his mother had always been for them. He also thought to move on, although there was one thing that troubled him most. What was he going to tell Kanao?

I won't tell you what happened... yet

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