The Zenitsu Story

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Zenitsu's POV

In the bustling halls of Kimetsu High School, I, Zenitsu, a not-so-average student with a fierce crush on the lovely Nezuko, was mustering up the courage to ask her out on a date. Today was the day, I told myself confidently, as I adjusted my yellow-checked shirt and ran my fingers through my unruly blonde hair.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of lunch break, I spotted Nezuko near the lockers, surrounded by her friends. My heart raced at the sight of her, her ebony hair like cascading waves of the night sky and her gentle, kind eyes that seemed to glow with warmth.I took a deep breath and psyched myself up, ready to make my move. However, just as I started to walk towards her, a bunch of rowdy students playing catch with a football zoomed past me, causing me to trip over my own two feet and crash into the janitor's cleaning cart. Mops and buckets flew everywhere, and I ended up covered in suds and soap bubbles, my face the epitome of embarrassment.

I could hear Nezuko's musical laughter from across the hallway, and my cheeks flushed a bright shade of crimson as I tried to shake off the soapy mess. Determined not to let this mishap deter me, I made my way towards her, dodging flying objects and stray basketballs as if the universe itself was conspiring against me.

Finally reaching Nezuko, my heart pounding loud in my chest, I opened my mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a sudden fire drill. The alarm blared, sending students into a frenzy as they rushed out of the building. Nezuko flashed me an apologetic smile before being swept away in the sea of chaotic teenagers.

I sighed in defeat, knowing that fate was not on my side today. But I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I vowed to find another opportunity to ask Nezuko out, come hell or high water.

Days turned into weeks, and each time I mustered the courage to approach Nezuko, something comically disastrous would happen—be it a food fight in the cafeteria, a surprise pop quiz in math class, or even a sudden rainstorm that flooded the school grounds.

 It seemed like the universe was playing an elaborate prank on me, testing my determination and resolve.

But today, everything aligned perfectly. The sun was shining, birds chirped merrily in the trees, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. This was it, I thought to myself, today was the day I would finally ask Nezuko out on a date.

I spotted her sitting under the shade of a cherry blossom tree, her face buried in a book as she seemed lost in its enchanting pages. Without wasting a moment, I strode towards her, my heart pounding with anticipation."Nezuko, there's something I've been wanting to ask you," I began, my voice trembling with nervous energy.

Nezuko looked up from her book, her eyes curious as she listened intently. Before I could continue, she placed a gentle hand on my arm and spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Zenitsu, but I'm not free today. Can we reschedule for next week if that works for you?"

Time seemed to stand still as her words sank in, and I felt a mix of disappointment and relief wash over me. But just as I was about to respond, my body had other plans. Without warning, I let out a dramatic gasp, my limbs going limp as I collapsed to the ground in a fainting spell straight out of a melodramatic play.

 Without warning, I let out a dramatic gasp, my limbs going limp as I collapsed to the ground in a fainting spell straight out of a melodramatic play

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* I can't draw good on the computer. *

Nezuko's eyes widened in surprise, but instead of panicking, she let out a soft chuckle, her laughter like music to my ears. "I'll take that as a yes then. Next week it is," she said with a warm smile, offering me a hand up as I blinked my way back to consciousness.I couldn't believe my luck as I looked into her mesmerizing eyes, and a wave of happiness washed over me. Nezuko's smile was like a ray of sunshine, warming my heart and filling me with a sense of joy I had never felt before.

 Nezuko's smile was like a ray of sunshine, warming my heart and filling me with a sense of joy I had never felt before

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*Too lazy to color. There is also no Fill tool. *

As she waved goodbye and walked away, leaving me with a heart full of hope and a smile on my face, I knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life—one filled with laughter, love, and maybe even a few more fainting spells along the way.

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