Just A Normal Day (Tanjiro/Kanao)

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Tanjiro's POV

As I walked through the halls of Kimetsu High School, the chatter of students filled the air. The fluorescent lights overhead buzzed softly, casting a warm glow over the busy corridors. My backpack slung over my shoulder, I made my way to my first class of the day, a bit of a spring in my step.

Passing by the janitor's closet, I noticed Zenitsu, standing by his locker with a smile that seemed to light up the entire hallway. His usually anxious demeanor was replaced with an almost radiant joy. I couldn't help but grin back at him, his infectious happiness brightening my own spirits.

"Tanjiro!" Zenitsu called out, waving frantically. I made my way over to him, curious about what had him in such high spirits. "Did something good happen?" I asked, hoping to share in his excitement.Zenitsu's eyes sparkled with delight as he nodded. "Yup!"

His voice was filled with pride, and I couldn't help but feel proud of him too.

"That's amazing, Zenitsu! Whatever happened," I said, clapping him on the back. 

As the bell rang, signaling the start of class, Zenitsu and I exchanged a quick high five before heading to our respective classrooms. I took a seat near the window, the warm sunlight filtering through the glass and casting a comforting glow over the room. The teacher entered, her gentle smile welcoming us to another day of learning.Throughout the morning, I couldn't shake the image of Zenitsu's happiness from my mind. It was a reminder that even in the midst of the chaos of high school, there were moments of pure joy and accomplishment that made it all worthwhile.During lunch, I met up with Inosuke, who was sitting at our usual spot under the cherry blossom tree. Surprisingly, he seemed calmer than usual, his usual brash demeanor softened slightly. His wild, boar-like hair was tamed into a neat ponytail, and his eyes held a peaceful glint.

"Inosuke, you seem different today. What's going on?" I asked, taking a seat beside him. He shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "I don't know, something just feels...right today. Maybe it's the weather or maybe I finally got a good night's sleep. Who knows?" His response was simple, but it made me realize that even the most unpredictable of us could have moments of tranquility.

As we ate our lunch, the gentle rustling of the calm trees outside overhead filled the air, a serene backdrop to our conversation.

Kanao's POV

It was a day like any other, or so I thought when I first walked into the school building. The sun was shining brightly through the windows, casting warm rays of light on the polished floors. As I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch, my mind was occupied with thoughts of assignments and upcoming exams. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary day would turn out to be one that I would never forget.

I sat down at my usual spot in the cafeteria, a small table tucked away in the corner where I could enjoy my meal in peace. As I absentmindedly picked at my food, I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head, I saw Tanjiro walking into the cafeteria with his unmistakable gentle smile. Next to him was Nezuko, her dark hair cascading down her back like a waterfall.

Nezuko settled down beside me, her eyes curious as she followed my gaze to Tanjiro. "What are you looking at, Kanao?" she asked, her voice soft and warm. I shook my head slightly, my voice barely above a whisper. "Nothing, just lost in thought," I replied, trying to mask the fluttering feeling in my chest.

As Nezuko engaged in a lively conversation with Makomo across the table, I couldn't help but steal glances at Tanjiro. Memories of the school dance flooded my mind, the way he had twirled me around the dance floor with such grace and kindness. The way his eyes had met mine, sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

After the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I gathered my things and made my way out of the classroom. As I walked down the hallway, I spotted Tanjiro chatting with his friends near the lockers. My heart skipped a beat as I remembered the words of my sister Kanae that morning, urging me to speak up about my feelings.

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I approached Tanjiro, my hands trembling slightly. "Tanjiro, could I speak with you for a moment?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Zenitsu, who was standing nearby, looked on in shock, his mouth agape. Ignoring his surprised expression, I focused my attention on Tanjiro, my heart pounding in my chest.

As Tanjiro turned to face me, a warm smile graced his features. "Of course, Kanao, what is it?" he asked, his gaze soft and understanding. I felt a rush of relief as I gathered my courage and blurted out the words that had been swirling in my mind all day. "Would you like to go out with me sometime?" I asked, my voice trembling with emotion.

There was a moment of silence as Tanjiro processed my words, his expression unreadable. And then, to my delight, a smile spread across his face, lighting up his eyes. "Of course, I would love to Kanao!" he replied, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. I stood there in shock, unable to believe that he had accepted my invitation.

As Tanjiro walked away with his friends, leaving me standing there in a daze, I felt a wave of happiness wash over me. My cheeks were flushed, my heart racing with excitement. I had finally mustered the courage to speak up about my feelings, and it had paid off in the most unexpected and wonderful way.

As I made my way home that evening, the sun setting in a blaze of orange and pink hues, I couldn't stop smiling. The ordinary day that had started with me thinking it would be just like any other had turned into a day of unexpected surprises and new beginnings. And as I glanced at the message from Tanjiro on my phone, confirming our plans for the weekend, I knew that this was only the beginning of a beautiful journey ahead.

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