This was where he told me to meet him. The most civiled place in the galaxy. Maybe the most peaceful, but I wouldn't count on it. There isn't much peace anymore. This place perhaps was just a facade, covered in luscious green mountains and beautiful rolling hills. I wouldn't be able to stay here for long though, live in the serenity. It never lasted long. I was always on the run now, never staying in one place. But here I was, possibly making the biggest mistake of my life meeting up with my brother, Cole Nevan.

Cole was loyal. The fact scared me, for him to be meeting up with me was unwise. I think my heart wanted to believe it to be true, but now I had no choice. He was my brother, after all. That bond alone was what I was holding onto for. I hadn't seen him in weeks. I was beginning to feel alone despite hiding myself among people.

There were only a couple of others in the Catina tonight. Most were just drunks at the bar, and then their was me, sitting at the table closest to the back door. I felt eyes suddenly on me, which caused me to look up towards the front. Within just ten seconds, Cole stood in front of me wearing his blue and white beskar armor suit. His helmet was off and tucked under his arm. He looked serious with his floppy blonde and eyes that resembled a harsh, cold ocean. He sits down across from me, holding the same solemn look as before.

"You've made quite the mess for yourself, little sister." He spoke clearly, with a sharp tone. It was almost as if a general was commanding orders at you. Like you had no choice but to listen to what he had to say. I felt like I didn't, almost like I couldn't move.

"I know." I try to sound just as harsh as he did, but I don't think it worked.

"I have begged and begged Vizsla not to kill you. I've put myself, as well as my reputation, on the line for you. You are essentially a traitor to the Death Watch. You're no more than a coward to our sect, a mere scum... But you are my sister, and none like you, I stick by my family in times of war." With each insult, I felt a crushing weight on my shoulders. I could care less what Death Watch thought of me, but my brother and I were close. Or used to be close would be the correct term.

"Call me what you wish, but we were turning into beasts. We killed the Poshlings off their home planet to make new on Concordia, making them near the brink of extinct. Then, I was all for overthrowing Satine, who deflected what made Mandalorians, Mandalorians, but getting Dooku and the Empire involved was a terrible mistake. You fight your own battles, outnumbered or not. If you don't have enough people down for the cause, you don't fight yet." It all came flowing out, what I've been wanting to say for months to Vizsla and the rest of the Death Watch, "You don't get the Empire involved, that's why I ran, they aren't like us. And let me guess, the moment things turned sour, Dooku and his fleet were nowhere in sight?" My brother looked ashamed but angry for the truth I spoke.

He knew I was right. I heard of how great our loss was. How Dooku almost struck down Vizsla, leaving him scarred after he blamed the Empire for the loss.

"Sometimes in the face of war, you have to put morals aside, sister." His lips stayed in a tight line, "But you and I both know Vizsla sent me to kill you...originally..."

"Originally?" I huffed in a defeated laugh.

"He has a proposition to make to you. You come back to Death Watch, and we give you to the Empire as a bounty hunter. For Vizsla's attack on Dooku, he's giving you as a gift in hopes for a peace treaty...Or...and I highly advise against it... your armor." My armor may have as well been a part of me, sunk into my skin. It was how I lived and what I breathed in. It meant my head because I wasn't giving my armor away.

"Or you let me walk out of here, say I didn't come." I was hoping for his sake he would.

"You know I can't do that." I watched as two more Death Watch Mandalorians came out of the shadows, with their weapons drawn. I didn't have much time to think of what I was going to do, so I ended up flipping the table over on my brother, which proved ineffective. I bolted through the back door where Bren Tosh nailed me square in the jaw. I stumbled back and shot at her, which didn't have much effect. It just deflected off her. I kicked her in the stomach as hard as I could, and she tumbled down the stairs.

Evan Kalano was up next who was a brawny guy who stood a staggering 6"5. I was a lot smaller, so I weaved my way past him.

"Traitor!" He yelled in his deep voice, his mask making him sound more intimidating. I suddenly felt my arms constrict to the sides. I was lassoed in by Kalano, I lost balance on my feet and hit the grassy floor. He drug me towards him as the other one I recognized as my own best friend, Hayl Strun, stood over me.

"Please comply, Y/N. We want this to end with you alive." Hayl asked me.

Hayl- he was probably the most caring of all of us. He was only in Death Watch because his father was Vizsla's right-hand man, but I would never tell anybody that out loud. May have as well been treason. In another world, he would be my first love, but for the cause we had to hold off on our child hearts. We were at war.

"Serving the Empire isn't living, I'd rather die." My brother pulled me up, now with his mask on.

"We're trying to help you, sister. Why do you think Hayl and I were the first to volunteer when Vizsla asked us to retrieve you?" Evan and Bren were two nasty fighters who only came along for reputation and probably for the opposite outcome of what my brother and best friend wanted.

"Fine." I stood up and was immediately cuffed, "This isn't nessecary. I can't run anywhere on a ship." I tell Evan who had been the one to restrain me.

"Best bet, in case you try anything, you filthy traitor scum. Because I won't hesitate to bash your head and kill you this time." They load me onto their ship. I'm put in a storage room, and it's locked behind them. I was alone yet again being brought to what was now my fate.

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