I walk into my room, Anakin following closely behind. Many thoughts were going through my head. He made me feel like a little kid with a crush. He filled my stomach up with the same butterfly feeling as I had gotten when I first met him. I knew I shouldn't be having these feelings, feelings for an enemy. But I did, I knew they were wrong. I knew I couldn't pursue so I would have to live with that pain forsaken truth.

"Wasn't as awful as you thought it was going to be, was it?" He grinned happily, I shook my head and sat on my bed.

"No... It was actually very enjoyable. Thank you." I smiled, folding my hands in my lap. I was terribly awkward. He was making me feel pretty, just by the way he was looking at me.

"One last thing before you go back to your armor?" I looked up at him as he walked to me. He stood over me, which if I hadn't already folded, that would have done it on a heartbeat.


"Dance with me?" He walked over to the music box. I was baffled at the question for some reason.

"Uhm... I can't." I tell him.

"Why not?"

"Because...I can't dance." He just smiles at that.

"I can't either." I hold onto my body as he turns to cranks it. I just stand up as he approaches me. And somehow we dance.

His arm is wrapped around my waist, holding my other hand out. This was completely out of character for me. I was just going with-

What was happening....

My body suddenly snapped into it that he was, in fact, kissing me. Very passionately, I might add. I pulled away, to make sure it was real.


"I know what the code-"

"Anakin!" I say louder for being interrupted, "I don't care about your code... Do it again." That's how I gave into my feelings. That's how I let the butterflies take over my entire body. He just smiled, held onto my my cheek softly, and kissed me softly. I kissed back this time, and after we finished, I had a burning question. I needed to ask him, "What does this mean?"

"It means I like you," Anakin smirks, "A lot. What about you?"

"I like you too." He goes in for another, but I stop it, "Let me change."

"Okay, hurry back." I go into the bathroom where my armor sat where I left it. I needed a place to freak out for a moment. I was so conflicted for every thought and feeling. I knew my heart couldn't get in the way of the endgame of this mission. But it was blocking out my mind, which was scrambled.

I needed to talk to Dooku. He would slap me back into reality. Maybe being this close to Anakin was what this needed.

I walked out of the room after getting back into my suit. He had left with a simple note that said, 'Padme requested for me, I'll be back soon.' This made my blood boil into jealousy.

I walked to the door and locked it. I needed to talk to Dooku and update him on the mission. I hadn't in a few days, so he might think I've been compromised.

"How is the mission going?" A holographic version of Dooku asked me.

"It's going fine. I've gotten them both to trust me well."

"Hmmm my senses tell me a little too well." Dooku tells me, judging me.

"What do you mean, Master?" I sounded like I was trying to be innocent.

"You realize Austus reports back to me too. He says you've been getting rather close to Skywalker. I just don't want your feelings to get in the way of what's most important." That snitch. I bet he forgot to mention he was spending his time with Ms. Amidala.

"It's a part of the plan, Master. What better way to target the Republic than to make a Jedi fall?" I say to him, coming up with shit on the spot.

"You better hope it is or the consequences will be dire."

"Yes, Master." He stops the call and just in time too. I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey, it's me." I hear him say from outside the door. I go and open it for him. He comes in with a playful smile on his face.

"What did Padmé want?" I ask with undertones of jealously.

"It was just a briefing with Obi-Wan." He tells me, "She's invited both of us to dine with her tonight." It goes dead quiet for a moment. Then it happens again, he's back to kissing me. I'm back to kissing him, but the butterflies have never left.

He awakes from yet another nightmare. He's hyperventilating, and I can tell he's playing the dream through his head again. I hold onto him as I always did. He had fallen asleep in my room again, but I think he was beginning to do it on purpose.

"It's just a dream." I reassure him.

"No- no it's not." He tells me, "It feels too real... too..." He huffs out like I wouldn't ever really understand how he was feeling. Which I supposed I would never be able to do. My mom escaped like I did, she left too early for me to remember her. Cole said she wasn't worth much but I think that was the Death Watch order talking, "The only way I'll know is if I see her. I have to go and find her. Make sure she's alright. I can't go on like this." He looks at me and it breaks my heart. It hurt that I wasn't about to help him with this. That he was trapped by his own consciousness, playing these terrible dreams for him. I wish I could take all of that from him, just to give him relief.

"We'll request it in the morning through Padmé. I'm sure she'll understand." The dead stare he gave the room made me believe he was going with or without her permission. I kissed his cheek and made him look at me, "Try and go back to sleep. At least try and rest, okay. Get your mind off of it."

He laid back down as I lay on his chest. From the way his heart was beating so fast, it sounded as if it was going to explode. He wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. We both knew that.

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