I held onto the droid for dear life. I could feel the weight of gravity try to push me down to the ground. Flying speeders dodged me as the droid then tried to knock me off using the side of the building. I felt myself falling suddenly. Into the unknowns of the city floor. It felt as if everything was going in slow motion then reality hit when I fell on a ship.

"What were you trying to accomplish exactly?" Obi-Wan asked me, almost annoyed sounding. I got to the front of the ship and rocketed my way after droid. That was the smarter deal, just using my jet pack. I flew after it knowing the Jedi were following close behind. I watched as someone- the bounty hunter I supposed took the droid running off with it into a catina. I went in after, looking around.

The place was crowded with loud customers and even louder music. I couldn't tell who I was looking for, just that they knew I was looking for them. I had my helmet off, in all of the excitement, I didn't grab it. If they wanted to the best place they could attack is the back of my head. Without my helmet, I felt vulnerable...

I turned around just in time for Anakin to deflect the blow to my head with his lightsaber. I looked over at him in amazement not realizing that everyone and everything in the Catina had gone quiet.

"Just Jedi business, go back to what you were doing." Obi-Wan announced as Anakin and him started taking what was clearly a shape-shifter outside.

"It was just a job! Just a job!" It cried out.

"Who sent you? What do you want with the Senator?" Obi-Wan asked.

"He-" A needle was shot into the creatures neck. Obi-Wan took it out observing the device that had killed the shapeshifter.

"I've never seen this kind of needle before." Obi-Wan observed curiously. We went back to the place, Padme was awake and frantic.

"Staying here isn't going to be any help. I want to go back to Naboo, where I truly feel safe." There was no arguing with her. What she said went. We couldn't control it. Obi-Wan tried to plea with her, but she went back to her room. We would all have to get up early to go.

It was just Anakin and I now. I turned and looked over at him. He was so cute, I felt like heart pumping a little bit.

"Don't let anyone know I said this, but thank you for saving me back there." I meant it genuine, but it might have sounded the opposite in the beginning. He gave a small smile, like he didn't want to show it off. It was so cute, though, I wanted him to smile more.

"No problem, even though I'm just a Padawan," What a smart ass, "What you did was risky. You could've got yourself killed." Was that care? I would have to mock him for it, that was the relationship we had formed. He didn't trust Mandalorians- for a good reason too.

"I don't hear you caring about my safety, do I?" I chuckle at him.

"Of course not." He smirks, "I would've done the same thing in a different universe. You've very daring." I just nodded, grabbed my gun, and began to go to my room.

"I'll see you in the morning." I say and disappear into the room. I look over at Austus, who was sleeping in a fetal position. His mouth was wide open, trapped in a deep sleep with deafening snores. I decided not to wake him up to tell him the news. He'd know in the morning when we would go.

We arrived on beautiful Naboo. Obi-Wan had disappeared off to find a friend who would know more about the needle. That meant it was just Padmé, Anakin, Austus, and I.

"I see Senator Palpatine has recommended a courageous Mandalorian. Though your action may look stupid to others, you have found a lead." Padmé grins, "Thank you." I look over at Anakin as if it was a competition. But it wasn't, I just wanted him to notice me.

I cringed at the thought. I wanted him to notice, which was rather sad looking at it. I can't let my attraction to him get the best of me. He looked down to hide a smile as if he was going to get me back for it.

"I must go and get a few things done. Will one of you come with me?" Padmé asks, before either of us can volunteer, Austus walks with her, "Thank you, you two just guard outside the door." I didn't like standing around waiting for something bad to happen, but here I was.

"Whelp, looks like we're on guard duty, not protecting duty." Anaking leans against the door frame, "standing around makes me restless." He moved his head on the back of the stone.

"It could be worse, we could be...sitting." I say awkwardly. It just came out, like my lips said it without thinking. He looks over at me with a peculiar complexion.

"You're right. We could be." I blame my words on him. He was so good-looking, a master sculpture couldn't even capture the true meaning of his beauty, "Have you known Red for a while?"

"Who? Austus?"


"He's just a partner. I knew him in our Guild, though, he's..."

"Not too bright?"

"Something like that." I nod.

"Most Mandalorians aren't. They're unpredictable and savage. Obi-Wan and I had to help protect some from their own kind who had a lethal agenda." He was talking about Death Watch, not knowing he was talking to one in front of him.

"My dad...hated them." I lied. He looked towards me, "He believed in the pacifist ways of Mandalore."

"Really? Who was your dad, I might know him." My brain froze for a second, he could very well know my dad's real name.

"You wouldn't know him. He died long before the Mandalorian War. I miss him." I frown, I wanted to gain some sympathy from him. I needed them to trust me, to care about me.

"I miss my mother." Bingo, "Everyday."

"What was her name?" I asked, in a soft voice.

"Shmi Skywalker. The Jedi have to put aside all attachments if they're going to be true Jedis, so I try not to let it bother me but- never mind." He shook his head as if to push it away from his mind.

"No, I get it. After my father passed away, I tried forgetting him. It's okay to remember, even if it's not your way." I tell him, "I don't agree with the whole no attachments thing. Seems inhumane not to get to care about others. But that's just me." I shrugged, crossing my arms.

"I definitely get that." It goes silent again, he looks as if he's said too much or shouldn't have said.

I think I knew what our plan was going to be.

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