I was trying to look better than I normally did by going through the closest of clothes. I found this violet purple jumpsuit, the top crossed over, showing off my shoulders and arms. Padmé said that I looked pretty, but I didn't feel pretty.

She begged me to do my hair and makeup and when I finally gave in, I asked her not to make me look like a clown.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was out with a nice breeze blowing in the air. I could hear the calm waters of the lake as I approached the meeting place. Anakin came into sight not long after. Down by the lake, right outside the building. Their he stood, with a basket of goodies in hand. He smiled when he saw me and walked to me. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs as I stood at the top, looking down at him.

"You look beautiful." He tells me, my face burns a bright red I can feel.

"I feel the same as I always do. But thank you." I feel my cheeks blush, as I walk down the stairs.

I suddenly feel myself falling forward, without warning. I had somehow managed to trip over my own feet. A foot from the ground, right before I would've smashed my face into the bottom of the stairs.

He stood me back to my feet and gave me a smirk.

"I think you owe me for saving your life." He says in a joking tone.

"Oh please, the most I would've done was broken my nose." I shrug, as I stand beside him. He smelled so good, he had a hint of vanilla in his aroma. It made me feel like melting.

"Let's go before you trip again." He takes my hand and we go down to the rolling hills of Naboo.

He sets the blanket down on top of a soft patch of grass and sets the basket. He made so much or took so much from the kitchen. He had made peanut butter sandwiches, skewers of fruits like grapes, sliced strawberries, chunks of watermelon, and juicy pineapple. Different kind of cheeses and many, many pastries.

"This is a lot." I tell him, looking at all of the goodies.

"No, just enough. Here," He stuck some cheese in my face, "Try. It has a kick to it." I took it from his hand and ate some. It was pretty good.

"It's good...so, tell me Jedi man, how'd you get into the Force Squad?" I grabbed one of the fruit skewers, biting off the strawberry on top. He chuckled, grabbing one of his own.

"Force Squad? What's that?"

"The Jedi Council, duh." I smile, continuing to eat.

"Well, it was along time ago, when I was nine-"

"Isn't that a bit old? I thought you were kidnapped at birth to avoid attachment, love, and care for too much of one person?" I asked him curiously. It was kind of a hit at him, almost a mocking one.

"First of all, nobody gets kidnapped. It's the duty of the parent to give their child over to the Council to train them in the ways of the Force. Second, I lived on Tatooine with my mother and Qui-Gon Jinn came out, took me, but after his passing, Master Obi-Wan taught me instead." He tells me, finishing his skewer off, "How did you leave Mandalore?" In a ship that sent me to their nearest moon, Concordia.

"Uhm, after my father passed, I just kind of didn't want to be around my people anymore. I left behind a lot of people, I truly cared about..." I had guilt pitted in the depths of my stomach as I thought of Hayl and Cole.

"Who were they?"

"My brother, Cole and a good friend of mine- Hayl." I looked up at him, I wanted to cry. They were gone.

"Was Hayl a boyfriend?" He asked, which caught me off guard. Why would he care about that? Maybe he was just curious.

"Something like that. We were both fond of each other." I say and he looks...sad? That couldn't be it.

"Tell me about them?"

"They were kind, caring, willing to go at any lengths to make sure I was okay." I smiled a little, "They have bent over backwards many times for me and I..." Couldn't save them. My voice cracked.

"Here, try this pastry." He changed the subject, "It's really sweet, but has an amazing taste." I tried it, giving into his subject change. We take some more about different things, snacking on the food he brought for me to try.

"...I'll race you to the bottom of the hill." I tease, as the lake was there.

"You're on." He grinned. Despite knowing it was a steep hill, we ran at full speed down it. I ended up rolling down it, having an amazing time, giggling and feeling happy in the moment.

"Y/N, look out!" Before I could think of what he said, I feel my body emerge in the coldness on the lake. I feel as my entire body goes numb, but in a peaceful way.

It's a cold night as I feel Hayls presence warm me. I knew we didn't have long, I knew it would be just this moment for a minute. But I had grown closer and closer with him in the days of training. We agreed to meet just outside of our base to talk.

"This isn't right." I tell him, almost in tears, "Our code shouldn't keep us from our feelings."

"Y/N, they don't, it's just in times like these, feelings such as aren't meant for wartime." Hayl frowns.

"Then why meet me out here? What was the point?" I ask in a mean tone.

"You know what you've come to ask me. And you already know the answer to it. So please ask so we can go back to camp." Hayl sounded so sad, like he didn't want to give the topic any energy.

"Leave with me." In a way I was hoping putting it in a form of a demand would be useful.

"I can't."

"Leave with me." I say with more emphasis on each word.

"I'm not as brave as you, Y/N. I'm sorry."

"The Seperatists-"

"Believe me, I know. It's just not that simple." He tells me, "And for reasons all the same, I'm asking you not to leave."

"I can't."

"See? We're at a standstill. We both can't." I crashed into his armour, giving him a hug, "I love you, Y/N..." He pulls me apart and kisses my lips, "I really do Y/N..."

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!!" I hear Anakins voice say. I peel back my eyes, revealing his handsome face, "Are you okay?"

"Yes." I nod, getting to my feet, "I'm sorry."

"You scared me...I thought you might have drowned!" He says with fear in his voice. We gathered our things and headed back to the palace. He gave me a concerned look the entire way.


"Nothing... nothing... Just while you were half dead you were mumbling, 'leave with me.' Does that mean anything to you?" Anakin asks me, as we walk up the stairs together.

"Nothing at all."

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