"You grummy rat!" I improvised, "Give me that!" I tried taking it back from him. He moved it out of my reach. I was completely fucked, think of something, think. The boy who I talked to forever last night, the one I sang to sleep, comforted in a nightmare, and slept beside, had went through my things. And because he did that- I was caught. I needed an explanation and quick.

"Why do you have this?" He spat at me, "You have no right to have one of these unless you are a member!"

"Stop yelling at me, you prick! My father gave it to me when he passed, it was his prized possession for defeating a member! You have no right! This is all I have left of him and you went through my belongings!" I yelled at him, lying straight through my teeth. His facial expression changed to a guilty one suddenly.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't..." He set it on the table.

"You're right! You shouldn't have!" I say, I feel bad for yelling at me, but he shouldn't be going through my things, "Why were you going through my things exactly? What do you expect me as a rat or something?" I say, strong-willed, but I wish I didn't give him the thought. Bringing it up would make him think it through.

"No...No... I'm sorry. My saber fell into your bag...I'm sorry. I'll just leave." He starts walking to the doors, and I let him. It would look weird if I forgave him so easy. I had to take control of the situation even if this meant diverting the blame on him. I felt awful for it, but I knew what my mission was- gather secrets of the Order. Collect intell. I didn't need to be fancying Anakin- a Jedi who could never love. One who could never abandon his ways.

I sat on my bed and held the Death Watch badge in my hand. I examined it like I had many times before.

"Y/N. It is time." The alertness of my father's voice snapped me back to reality. I would officially become a Death Watch member today, not just a Mandalorian. I was pledging myself to the true Mandalorian way, "Are you okay, daughter?"

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