Coruscant was a place I had never been to before. It was a vast planet of cities with no sidewalks. We arrived and landed at the ship port with a thud. I looked over at Austus, who landed rough. I was stupid to let him fly the ship, but I had to get in character and think about how I would perceive myself. To do this required me to be the opposite of myself or a hero. I wasn't ever the hero, so it was a difficult part to play. I would need to think like one, to gain trust would be difficult, especially of the Jedi, but it would all come with time and patience.

"Oops." Austus said in an insincere tone, turning around and leaving the ship. He had chosen black beskar armor, which suited him nice with his dark hair, causing his red tips to be more vibrant.

"Sidious says we'll be escorted in by two trusted officials. We'll meet the Senator and the Jedi once we get in and begin forming a real plan once we know what we're up against." I tell him, as I grab some things I packed.

I packed things like clothes and essentials, my weapons, of course. The only thing I debated on bringing along was my father's  badge. It was a symbol that was recognizable if you've seen it before. If you knew what it stood for.

My father was a Death Watch member, a commander, actually. Vizsla wasn't ever fond of me, but he liked my dad a lot. He was the one who suggested Concordia and led the slaughter of Poshlings. I was only twelve then, but now, only six years later, he was gone. He got sick one day and never got better.

We found the building we'd be protecting the Senator in, and two guards dressed in a pure white took us in. They stood behind us as we stood in the elevator, to the highest floor.

The doors opened to a cozy room with a round couch in the middle, a beautiful dining set as well as many priceless looking artifacts. A balcony led outside overlooking the city of Coruscant, three doors were on the far side. The two Jedi- Obi-Wan and Anakin stood behind her as her escorts.

The older one had a clean, put-together look about him with blondish-brown hair and a well-groomed beard. He looked kind, someone you could talk to about your problems, perhaps. I assumed that was Obi-Wan- the Jedi Knight.

The younger one - God, the younger one was so handsome. Spikey golden brown hair, deep blue eyes, but he wore a hateful expression on. I had sudden intrusive thoughts of just stepping up and kissing him. I caught myself looking a little too hard and pulled away to look at Padmé. It was hard not to get in a trance, but I hoped I wouldn't do that anymore. A guilty feeling crept in the back of my mind of Hayl. What never happened, but could've happened. But now he was dead.

Padmé was a pretty girl. That might have been an understatement. Due to the feeling of jealousy of what I didn't have, I would pretend she was ugly for my own sake over this man. I would pretend he was as well. This was just another job. Another mission. I couldn't get distracted.

"...Thank you both for coming all of this way to protect and serve me. What are your names?" Padmé asked politely with a cute smile on her face.

"Mine's Austus Wa- Began. At your''am." Austus awkwardly took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "My duty is at your service...Service is... How does it go again?" Padmé just smiled, finding his stupidity amusing. I could honestly slap him upside the head. He was going to blow this entire thing for us! Why didn't I just let Dooku strike him down? He was my burden now. Oh yeah, because I had empathy for him, for I had been in similar.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N." I tell her, bowing a little, "At your service."

"I've never met such nice Mandalorians. They're usually all ruffians." Padmé tells us, "This is Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker."

"I still don't like this." Anakin announces, "They're descendants of murderers. Obi-Wan and I have handled them with no incidents in the past weeks."

"I can assure you we're more than qualified to protect and service the Senator. At least I know, more than you. You're just a Padawan, after all." I tell him, as he glares into my soul, stepping forward. His Master put an arm in front of him, telling him not to pursue. I couldn't help but smirk.

"No fighting, please." Padmé kindly asks, "I'm off to bed, though. Nice to meet you both." We were shown our room, two twin sizes with ten feet of space between them. I put my bag on the nightstand and went back to the main room because I had forgotten my pistol. It was just Anakin who was sitting on the couch.

"Looking for this?" He held it up.

"Yes." I snap at him.

"You shouldn't leave you weapons lying around. It's not professional." He stands up, beginning to give it back to me, but yanks it away at the last second.

"Isn't that cute? Give it to me."

"Come get it since you're so qual-" I tackled him to the ground, fighting for my gun from him. He force pushes me off of him, and I fly across the room. I run back to him as he jumps back on his feet. He goes to grab me, but I duck and slide under his right side. I trip him from the back, which causes him to lose balance. I get on top of him with my knee buried in his crotch, leaning over him with my hand at his throat.

"Give me the-"

"Padmé!" He says, with fear in his throat throwing me off of him. I ran in after him as he could sense it. He kills the two bugs, not noticing the assassin droid at the window. I ran at it and caught onto it, realizing I made a stupid decision.

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