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"Kiyoshi? I forgot to give you this yesterday." I pull the chain out and bring it forward with both hands, "It's Yasushi's." Placing the gold chain on his palm I continue. "I spoke to him this morning, he sounds good."

Sullenly, he nods looking at the necklace. "Yeah, it's just—he didn't deserve this!"

"And we'll find out who did this, I swear!"

His face hardens as he looks down.

"Why are you moping here on your own?"

I look back to see the entire group.

"How's Yasushi?" Tsukasa asks.

Looking back at Kiyoshi, I find him staring at me. "What? Did you tell everyone?" His jaw clenched.

"Of course not! But this..." I point at the chain, "this isn't something you can hide."

"How is he?" The question is repeated.

"He got a few stitches, but..." Kiyoshi stops.

"But?" Fujio crouches down.

"Kari said the guys who did Yasushi were all bald and wearing uniforms that weren't from around here."

I nod and continue, "They were gray and some of them looked...high."


"It's probably-" Kiyoshi doesn't get to finish his sentence as a voice yells out.


We turn to see Chun-Chun faction hurry over, with one of their members visibly hurt.

"One of ours got his head cracked open by a gang of bald guys on his way here."

Quickly, my eyes meet Kiyoshi's. Realization hits us at the same moment.

It's them!

"Kari?" Fujio calls, and knowing what he's asking for I give him a thumbs up.

Nodding at my response he walks toward our juniors, "What is it?"

"And..." Nakagoshi frowns and brings his fist to full view, gripping a single page. "They gave him this."

Jamuo instantly grabs the sheet and unfolds it, I go to stand by him and silently read over his shoulder as he reads aloud the letter. "We'll crush everyone who gets in the way of our business. You Oya High morons, we'll settle this with you tomorrow."

My eyes widen at the last part.

Tsukasa snatches the paper from Jamuo's hand and reads the final part, "Housen."

As quickly as that name is spoken, the atmosphere turns tense. "Housen? The same school you were talking about last time Jamuo?" Not being able to hear about 'Housen' last time, of course I asked Jamuo about them. And from what was said it didn't seem like they were the type to meddle with drugs.

I frowned.

The fear is evident on his face as he nods.

"This is all their fault." Tsukasa states.

"This is like a declaration of war." Jamuo spoke, his eyes nervously moving around to look at us: Me, Fujio, and Tsukasa.

"A declaration of war in this era?" Fujio scoffs. "Well, now we know who they are."

"Fujio! Kari!" Shibaman grunts. Tsuji walks beside him as he observes the area. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Kiyoshi-san!" Yasukiyo faction appears calling for their leader.

"Fujio?" A confused Tsukasa speaks.

"I asked Kari to call them here."

Tsukasa looks at me for confirmation.

"Are you serious?" He walks closer to Fujio and turns to me, "We're facing Housen, you know."

"This could've happened to any one of us." I approach the duo, "I was literally the person who found Yasushi, he didn't deserve this." I understood exactly where Tsukasa was coming from, he was the most logical person in this group, but at the same time, I understood Fujio's point to want to fight for his friends.

Fujio agreed to my opinion by nodding, "It doesn't matter who the fuck they are!" His dark brown eyes find Yasushi's chain being gripped by Kiyoshi's hand, he lowly spoke, "You know what happened to our pal."

Gazing around the area he proudly stated, "We're going!"

I sigh and give him a short smile.

"Fujio! Kari!" We turned to Kiyoshi.

"This isn't just your problem. This is an Oya High problem."

"Shit. Our captain doesn't mince words." Tsukasa smirked at Fujio, before looking at me and nodding.

Smiling back at him, I then turned to look around and clapped my hands, "Let's kick some ass!"

Fujio laughed, but followed my actions. "Tomorrow, let's kick some ass!"




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