☆How Did It End? Prt. 2☆

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Tw: I think none :)

Overview: Angst, James' pov of pet one. :)

James (first person) pov:

We were blind to unforeseen circumstances

We all knew Regulus had been off. No one thought anything of it, though. He's known for being emotionless, so what could hurt him? A lot, actually. What we all didn't see was the pain. We all thought he was coping with it the 'Regulus' way.  We asked and got a 'Yes, I'm fine'. And that was good enough for us. But was he okay? No.

We learn the right steps to different dances (ohh)

He stopped spending all his time with me. Maybe I'm overthinking. Maybe I'm overstepping. Maybe I'm being needy. He just doesn't want to be by me, probably. Was I too much? Too little for him? Sirius says, 'It's fine James, he needs his space.' But for how long? I haven't seen him recently let alone had a proper conversation with him in a week.

And fell victim to interlopers' glances

People talk about us. I think it's funny because for once, they might just be right. They might just see what I can't. Or what I won't. I thought we were to be forever. It's happening again. The same with Lily. The same with everyone. They will choose everyone except me. It would always be my fault. And now with Sirius' brother, my love of my life. Sirius will choose his brother as will everyone else.

It was bound to happen.

Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?
In the halls he won't look up from the floor. It doesn't matter who it is. Professor or student. He looks broken. Almost forgotten. I haven't forgotten. I want to tell him that, 'I'm here! I'm still here, don't forget about me!' But he won't listen.

Soon they'll go home to their husbands

Sirius will choose Regulus, Remus will choose Sirius, Peter will choose Remus, the Girls will choose Peter and Remus, and everyone else will choose each other. Just like last time. It gets out and everyone hates you. Doesn't matter how it happened, they won't hear it.
They have reasons, sure, but they will all go back to their friends.

Smug 'cause they know they can trust him

I mean, why wouldn't you trust him? He's perfect. Merlin, so perfect that I don't know why I'm losing him. He just won't talk to me. I come up to him and he walks away. I walk after him and his friends push me away. Like I did something. I didn't do anything, he didn't do anything. I just don't understand. I'm just so lost.

Then feverishly calling their cousins (ohh)

So when people start talking, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. That's the first step. Then comes the complete ignorance, then the breakup. Believe me, I've tried to talk to him. Merlin, how I want to talk to him. I miss him. I miss his smile, his voice, his touch, and his whole being. When I go to talk to him he hides himself. Avoiding the problem.

Guess who we ran into at the shops?

Maybe I could've done more. Maybe I can, but at the end of the day, when someone hates you enough to not talk to you or even acknowledge you, it hurts. Way more than I want it too. I hate it. I hate all of it. I hate how I can't be what he wants, what they all want. I'll never be enough.

Walking in circles like she was lost

Do you believe me now? When I say I tried? Probably not. I didn't do enough. I could've just been a better boyfriend. I could've been there for him. But you want to know something? I was there for him. I was always there. He didn't want me. What am I supposed to do when the person I love doesn't love me back? The person I love doesn't want me!

Didn't you hear?

So when he came walking up to me in the hall out of the blue, I knew fully well. It was quick, 'James?' And a quicker response, 'Yes, Reggie?' In hopes of it not being the end. I was praying to anyone, anything, any god to please let it not be the end.

They called it all off

'We're done.'

One gasp and then

And of all the pleading I did before vanished, as I looked at him. I felt all the memories, touches, shared moments, love, all waste away. Down to a place I can't find. I look at him and I must be close to crying. All I can do is nod and say,

"I'm sorry."

How did it end?


Words: 790

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