☼Small Glances Pt. 2☼

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Tw: none :)

Overview: Reggie and Sirius make up and James gets Reggie. Yay!

Regulus (first person) pov:

Dramatics always ran in the family. This I'm sure of. Or else Sirius wouldn't have acted that way and I wouldn't have ran off. It's just scary when he gets in that angry state. He says stupid shit and I, of course, have to react to it. I think I'm just the problem to his problem. Why can't we be normal siblings?

So here I am, hiding again. Shocker. I'm not really hiding from anything in particular, I just don't wanna be by people. People annoy me most of the time because they say things that irritate me so much because they're just so stupid.

It isn't until I hear the door open from down the stairs when I start to panic it could be anyone; it could be a couple trying to make out. I get up and run to a corner just behind the staircase. Steps near as I hear a soft pan almost like they've been running.

"Regulus? I know you're here!" He calls.


Maybe if I had a little bit longer, he'd give up and leave me alone. So I do and he keeps calling and calling. He probably knows where I am. He just doesn't go farther than the top of the staircase.

"I'm here." I mumble, against my own will.

He turns around and frowns as I take two steps from the wall. I don't draw nearer, just in case he screams at me again. For all I know he's gone to pick a fight with me for almost kissing his best mate.

"Regulus, I'm not here to fight you." He draws out, reading my mind.

"Then what are you here for? I know I messed up and I'm sorry I won't go by him again if that's what you want." I try, just wanting him to be happy.

It's weird how I just want him to be happy with me. Like I seek his approval. Like I couldn't find it in our mother or father so he was my next best person. I just want him to love me. To care about me. I realize this and fee" like crying. I'm so pathetic!

"Reg, I'm so sorry. I want you to know I would never hurt you. I would never purposely remind you of her. I'm so disgusted in myself that I said that because you always care about people's feelings. Even if you don't like to show it, you do. Especially James and mine." He stops, taking a step closer.

"I-I just want you to be happy, Sirius. But when I f-found James looking at me and we met, I didn't think of you. He made me so happy. I just forgot about how it would make you feel." I look down, falling to the ground, taking my knees into my chest.

"Oh Reggie, don't you ever put your happiness after mine. You deserve to be happy. I'm already happy. You found someone that makes you happy, Reg. I was wrong to have reacted and said the things that I did and I regret them immensely. Please don't even act like you're not worthy. Please." Sirius gets out, coming down to hug me.

I let him, hiding my face in his shoulder. I just want him to be happy. He's always been there for me, why can't I do the same for him? Instead I like his best mate behind his back! What's wrong with me?

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I whisper.

"No, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You're my brother, you don't get to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong." He whispered back.

"I went behind your back! Your best mate too! Why aren't you taking this seriously!"

"I am Sirius. And so what? He isn't my property. I don't get to depict his life and choices. I'm glad he's happy and you are too. Why would I want to make my brother sad?" He smiles, getting up and giving me a hand up.

I hug him and whisper, "You're my favorite brother, thank you."

"You're only brother but yes, your favorite. Love you too, Reg. Now go get your man!" He smiles, pushing me away and looking at me pointedly.


I run down the stairs and race to the library. Maybe he will still be there. If not, I'll just figure out how to get in their dorms. No biggie.. probably. I run into the library, getting a 'slow down' from Madam Prince. I give her no mind as I run to our spot. There, he's waiting, book in his hand. He's reading it, or trying to.

"You know, I don't get why this guy is so obsessed over a pearl. Like, it's obviously bad luck! He's so stupid." James remarks, putting a bookmark in about halfway in the small book and looking up at me.

"Oh? Is that right?" I smile.

"Yea- did Siri make up with you?" James asked

"Yea, he did. We sorted things out."

"I'm glad because he was crying saying he would never hurt you and he promised he wasn't like her." James frowned.

"I wish I would've never said that." I say, also frowning.

"It happens, love. Why don't we head t9 my dorm, it might be more comfortable." He offers.

I smile and nod as he takes my hand and we walk towards his dorm. We smile and laugh as we walk up. I think to myself that now I'm happy. Sure, it probably won't last but Sirius is here. What could go wrong?


Words: 925

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