☼2am Shit☼

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Tw: Blow Job :)

Overview: James comes in late to 'see' our Reggie deer. (HA get it? I'll leave now.)

Regulus (first person) POV:

It's shit like this that lands him here. Here as in my dorm at two in the morning. Barty and Evan were gone for the night, mentioning something about an overnight party that I wasn't invited to, apparently.

But back to James. He's being incredibly stupid, as always. There is never a dull moment with him. He says that he was coming back from the kitchens when Lily and Remus were out doing their rounds. See, I don't see the issue but apparently James does. He claims that Remus and Lily will give him a detention. Between you and me, though, I think he is here for a far different reason.

"James, why are you really here? You could have just hid in a classroom or something." I ask.

"Can't I see my amazing boyfriend instead of getting caught?"

"Not at two-bloody AM in the morning!"

"I was thinking-"

"The last thing we need," I sarcastically add before interrupting him, once again. "Babe, look, I love you, but either tell me what you want or I'm going back to sleep like I was once peacefully doing."

He mumbles something incoherent as I try to move my ear closer to where he was. He was by the end post of my bed, with me sitting up, covers around my lap. After, he had a blush shaded across his cheeks. Great. So we are really doing this. At 2 am in the fucking morning. Joy!

"Honey, I can't hear you. Why don't you just come in with me?" I offer the blanket and move aside for him.

"You." He repeats again, louder.

I look at him. Whether it was a 'you' as in cuddles and kisses you or a I want to fuck you 'you', I was trying to figure out. I lift an eyebrow as he looks at his feet. Okay, so a I want to fuck you 'you'.

"James, you might need to elaborate on how you want me."

"Under me." He whispers.

Maybe I heard him wrong? Maybe I am tired and can't comprehend words. Or maybe I am having selective hearing but I swore by what I heard. A blush now spreads through my cheeks as James walks closer to the front of the bed. I freeze, not sure if he wants to get on the bed or just on me.


"Is this okay, Reg?" He asks, softly.

Oh, of course he's bloody horny at 2 am! Why not at any other time? It's not like I don't want him, I just don't want to be grumpy and have bags under my eyes in the morning.

"James, I-" I sigh, "Why at 2 am? Do you want me to have bags and be grumpy?!"

"Honestly, I love you anyway you are. Bags or not, you're beautiful."

"God, James, you will be the death of me." I smile, "You better be good or I swear."

"I can't tell if that's a joke or not but as you wish." He plays, a smile appearing.

He hops on the bed, looming over me. His glasses were obscured on his face and his hair was wavy, and of course, everywhere. Right before he leans down I hold his face and look him in his eyes.


"Yes, baby?" He softly responds, touching our noses together.

"Why do you always pick the worst times to do this shit?" I chuckle.

"Darling, I'm afraid you love it." He smirks.

I smile as he gently connects our lips. The kiss was so delicate, so soft. I was afraid that if I moved, it would break it. James however, escalated it dramatically. His knees spread between my hips as his hands traced my body. They rested at my hips as he kissed down to my jaw.

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