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Tw: Blood, violence, ect.

Overview: Reg and James have two kids and are living happily. When an unexpected visitor or two show up, they are more than surprised as they hide the kids and fight for their lives.

James (third person) pov:

Shit. Was the first thing he thought. Then next being Regulus and where was he? The next thought was how did they get there? How did they find them? How did they get out of Azkaban? The last thought was the kids. They were frightened by a window breaking.

As they huddled around James' feet he thought of how to hide them. Under the sink. It was big enough for the two of their little bodies. He grabbed them both, rushing. He opened the cabinet and put the two in there.

"Willa, keep Boden quiet. Whatever happens, don't come out. Run if you must. But be silent. I need to help daddy. Baba and I love you both, so much." He whispers, kissing both of their foreheads.

He closes the cabinet as he runs up the stairs, remembering the evil laughs of the too. How the fuck did they get out? He wondered. He got to their bedroom and opened the door. His wand was ready. He rushed into the room and saw them.

They had Regulus tied to the bedpost and they were laughing, wands out. James had his ready. He was going to murder these bitches.

"Oh, James! How wonderful you are to join us! We just came to say hello." Walburga cackles, Orion at her side.

"You let him go! You will leave now. You aren't welcome here!" He screams, sending dark hexes at them both. They just block them, almost bored.

"Now, that's pathetic. You're worse than Sirius!" Orion laughs.

You get away from my family. This is your last chance." He deadpans, wand pointing at Walburga.

"Regulus, why him? Why did you have to choose someone so... weak?" Walburga draws.

Regulus just struggles as he tries to get loose of the ropes around him and the fabric around his mouth. Walburga payJames no mind as she looks towards Regulus. James sees this, instantly going in front of his husband, shielding him.

Orion is the first to fire a curse. James deflects it, giving Walburga a chance to hit him. James takes it, getting a sharp pain to his abdomen. He ignores it as best as he can while deflecting both their curses.

"Where are the children!?" Walburga screams.

James immediately tenses more as he keeps deflecting and sending curses their way. Regulus screams into the gag behind James as he looks back, noticing he's bleeding.

Jame didn't know what to do. He needs to save his kids but what about Regulus? He decided to just try and hurt them. He sends the killing curse over and Orion gets hit, somehow. Walburga screams as she drops to her dead husband. He then walks above Walburga and does the same. Her body slumps to the ground as he runs to Regulus.

James cuts the ropes with a quick spell sand unties the gag. Regulus lets out a scream of pain as James quickly rips Regulus' shirt. He looks at his bare chest and wants to scream himself. A deep gash lines Regulus' abdomen, vertically. He apologizes as he takes his own shirt off and presses it against his husband's chest.

He hisses through his teeth as he yells, "James, fuck! Ow! Please, James! The kids!"

"They're hiding. They are okay. I'm trying to help but I need a needle and thread. This is done magically, so I can't use magic!" James explains.

James tells Regulus to hold the blood soaked shirt down as he ran into their bathroom, getting a towel, a first aid kit, and a glass of water. He runs back to Regulus. He's crying, tears trailing down this face to his chest.

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