☼The Black Cat☼

442 11 96

Overview: Short, end fluff :D

Tw: Language

Third person:

James would often be writing letters to his loved ones. That's what he does. He writes about life, events, and of course, Regulus. But he wouldn't stop until he was finished. Regulus would call him and he would answer with a swift, 'In a second , honey' or 'one moment, darling!'.

This peeved Regulus. So much so, when the black cat appeared at James' door, who would think anything of it? Not James. He just thought it was the neighborhood cat that Regulus let in.

When the cat started jumping across furniture, he didn't mind. He was too busy writing. When the cat sat on the edge of his desk, he paid it no mind. For it was just a black cat.

It was when the black cat started walking alongside the desk, knocking things over when James finally gave it some thought. Quills were spilled, papers were mangled, and ink was spilled.

James of course cleaned this up, but when he looked up the black cat was gone. He called for it, but it never came.

This happened day by day until Jame had had enough. He tried to grab the black cat, bu5 it was too agile and fast. He would get frustrated, but somehow not at the cat. It was more towards himself. Writing has been all he's been doing. The fact that he didn't know what Regulus was doing right at this moment scared him.

He went downstairs and found Regulus at the sink. He was doing, well, something. It looked like washing off something sticky. And sticky off of him. James walked over to Regulus and spun him around. This shocked Regulus as he hid his not wet hand behind his back.

"What are you doing, honey?" James asked.

"I was washing the dishes." He replied, lamely.

"Have you seen a black cat? That little menace keeps knocking everything on my desk!" James complained.

Regulus rolled his eyes and went back to 'washing the dishes'. Completely catching James off guard, the gesture compelled James. He determined that it was out of annoyance or disbelief. Baffled, James came behind Regulus and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Regulus made a small squeak. It was soon followed by a hiss, almost like a cat. James' eyes were blown wide as a wicked smile crept.

"So you're the little menace that's been messing up my desk." James asked, but no question lied within his words.

"If I said no, would you believe me?"

"Mm, no." James smiles, resting his head on Regulus' shoulder.

"Merlin, what is in that ink!? It's not coming off!" Regulus cries.

"It's ink. You're not supposed to touch it, dipshit." James muttered, hugging Regulus' back.

"Pardon? What did you just call me?!"

"I mean, honey, my beautiful husband, the love of my life, my everything, my one and only, my forever." James corrected.

"That's right, and don't you ever forget it." Regulus responded.

And from then on, James paid more attention to Regulus, in hopes of not seeing that menace of a cat ever again.


Words: 521

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