☆My James☆

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Tw: None, I think :)

Overview: uhm idk why I made poor James so emotional- so just look out for that lol. Anyway, James asks Reg if he would still love him if he was a worm. Oh and I think Jamie might have a bit of adhd.

Reggie (first person) POV:

"What if I was a worm?" James randomly said, looking up from his toast.

I arch a brow and set down my coffee, interested in what he was saying. It was about eight in the morning and James had just finished making toast while I made myself coffee and hot cocoa for James. He was a big baby when it came to coffee. But then again, a hyper James is a dangerous James.

"What about you being a worm, sweetheart?" I answer, patiently.

It was like talking to a child when these random thoughts spewed out of his mouth. I am convinced he's a genius though. His mind is absolutely amazing and so is he. A small smile finds its way up my face as I hold my warm mug, once more.

Taking a sip of his hot cocoa he continues, "Like if I was a worm. Would you still love me?"

"Where is this coming from?" I ask sweetly.

"I just want to know." He simply puts it.

Hm. I mean, I would still love him. It would be a struggle loving a worm but if he was the word, it would be worth it. I take a sip of my coffee but stop mid-sip. I feel his leg start bouncing as if nervous.

"Honey, what's wrong? Your leg is bouncing." I asked, concerned.

"I just, would you love me?" He asks, tears starting to form.

"Oh sweetheart, of course I would! I would cast myself as a worm so we could be married worms. See," I gently grab his left hand and join our wedded hands together, locking them. "Just like now."

"Really?" He asks, a single tear falling from his right eye.

"Oh baby, of course. Where has this come from? You've gotten yourself all worked up. Over nothing, too." I softly ask him, keeping our hands intertwined.

"I just love you so much, Reg. So, so much and my brain thought of the worm and I just couldn't-" He says, wiping his face with his free hand.

What has this perfect man ever done to this world? Why does he deserve this? I try to be enough, I really do. I also know that someone else could do better. I just don't know why James has picked me. I love him. I do, so, so, so much.

"Oh darling, hey, it's okay. I love you so, so, so much too. You never have to worry about me not loving you." I confidently say.

"I know that. I really do, it's just this part of my mind is so self-conscious that it tells me you don't. I just don't understand, Reg. I really, really don't. I want it to stop!" He cries.

"Oh baby, you are so perfect and it's okay to second guess; it's nature. I do it all the time. Whether I am loving you enough or not, if I'm trying my hardest, why you chose to love me. It's okay, James. No one is asking you to be perfect. We aren't either."

"I- I'm sorry. I just, I know it's all okay but I just tell myself it's not when it is! I just don't understand!" James sniffs.

"Oh honey, it's okay, I promise. Why don't we go to the couch and cuddle?"

He nods as we walk to the couch, he brings his toast and hot cocoa as I bring my breakfast. He places his in the coffee table and turns to me and takes mine too. I smile as he sets them down. I need to remember to ask Effie about his new, unusual....emotions? I'm not really sure.

"Love, are you going to cuddle?" James as, laying on the couch with his arms out wide.

"Yes, sorry. I was stuck in my thoughts." I say, getting on the couch into his arms.

He's warm like always and smells good, too. He's just my favorite person. I love him so much, it hurts. If anything were to hurt him, I don't think it would live to hurt again- let alone to breathe.

I look up at him to see him playing with my hair. I smile as his hand wraps around my back. (so they are hugging while laying down/sideways...for my not visual ppl <33) My arms wrap around his neck as I scoot up so I'm facing his face, and my feet are almost at his knees. I smile as he presses a small kiss to my nose.

"I'm sorry I've been acting weird lately. You don't have to keep it to yourself anymore." James whispers.

"Honey, emotions aren't weird. You're not weird. I love you just the same, and I will love you till my dying days."

He smiles and lets out a small sigh as he pulls me into his neck. He rests his chin on the top of my head and intertwines our legs. I smile against his skin as his hands lightly run through my curls.

I soft kiss his neck; between kisses I tell him I love him. I mean, how could anyone not? He is perfect. I mean, he's James. My James.


Words: 900

I don't know if I love this one...I'm just kinda running out of ideas. So plzzzz give me something u want me to write:) 

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