☆Small Glances Pt. 1☆

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Tw: none I believe:)

Overview: James has been eyeing Regulus across the hall... So what does Reg do? There will be a part two later :)

James (first person) pov:

"Prongs, whatcha lookin' at?" Sirius asks, while chewing.

"Eh- not anything. Just zoned out." I say, taking my eyes off him for what felt like the tenth time this meal.

"Pads, chew with your mouth closed." Remus corrects, rolling his eyes.

Sirius goes to fawn over Remus, giving me yet another chance to look at him. He is like a painting. He is beautiful with stars in his eyes. His hair is perfectly curled just as perfect as his rings are. His eyes linger on his friends until one of his friends makes him laugh, and his head falls back, laughing.

I feel my heart skip a beat as a flushed heat draws onto my cheeks. He was just perfect. He didn't even have to try. He has my heart pounding by just laughing. I find him looking back at me as my eyes widen. Shit, what am I supposed to do? Do I look back or smile? Maybe I'm supposed to wave? No, that's weird. I just looked at my plate until dinner was out.

"Guys, I'm going to the library for a minute, I'll catch up!" I call out to them, falling behind.

I didn't want them to question me. I wanted to be alone somewhere that was quiet. I needed to think. Like, really really think. Think about him. Think about what I feel. I walk to an empty table in the back, behind a high bookshelf. There, I hold my head in my hands as I try to think.

I think for a good while before knocking on the table draws me out of thought. I look up, expecting to see the librarian, but ment with Barty...and Regulus. I visually gulp as I arch a lazy brow at them. I just want to think in peace. My head already hurts!

"James, my man!" Barty squawks, getting a stern 'shush' from Madam Prince.

"I barely even know you, Crouch. How would I be 'your man'?" I ask, yarning.

"You obviously want to be someone's man." Barty mutters, getting jabbed in the stomach by Regulus.

"What was that, Crouch?" I ask, tiredly.

"What he meant was that you're at our usual table." Regulus stops, before quickly adding, "Which is fine! We were just uh, asking if we could join you?"

I look up tiredly at Regulus, trying not to fall for him and keep falling. I nod before gesturing to the other chairs next to me. I watch as they silently argue about who goes in what chair. Regulus scrunches his nose and it immediately makes me think about Sirius. He does this when he's nervous. It's just chairs!

"Lads, I don't bite, really. Just sit... or don't. No pressure." I try, giving them a small smile, raising my hands up slightly.

Regulus and Barty look over from their silent bickering and sheepishly smile as Regulus takes the seat to the right of me, while Barty sits next to Regulus. Indecisive. I get it, I really do, I want to tell them. I decided that that would sound weird and decide against it. A few minutes later, Regulus nudged me when Barty was distracted. I look to the side as he leans closer and whispers.

"Y'know, I saw you looking in the hall. You aren't subtle, my brother is just stupid." Regulus smiles, putting a hand on my thigh.

I tense, trying to respond. His rings were cold and I was stuck. I open my mouth to just pause then shut it again. He smiles and shrugs, keeping his hand there as he goes back to reading his book.

I feel my heart rapidly pulse as I take a small deep breath and continue thinking. Yes, that's what I'm doing. What else would I be doing? Staring at Reg..? Well, that's besides the point. It's when his hand starts moving, just small circles of his thumb that's when I find myself falling. Not literally, but just falling for him.

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