☆Jealousy, Jealousy pt. 2☆

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Tw: making out, cussing, just roughness in general.

Overview: our Reggie is hella jealous of James. Lily sees this and decides that Reggie here needs to do smth about it. (She will forever be my wifey btw). 

This is like a more jealous version of jealousy, jealousy.

Regulus (first person) POV:


He was just fine with it; everyone was fanning all over him! Like I wasn't anything! I just had to sit in the hall, eyes glaring holes into his chest. It was like someone waving your favorite food in front of you but not letting you have it while other people did.

My blood starts to boil when Lily looks up at me, winking and going back to giving her full attention to James. I fist my robes as I sit there. Pandora shakes my back but I ignore her, staring right towards James. The worst part is that he looks like he is enjoying it! I just want to throw him against a wall and either yell at him or kiss him. I can't really differentiate right now.

It isn't until Barty forcefully shakes me that I look away from James. I glare at Barty and he's just smirking. What a fucking cunt.

"What!? What could you possibly want?" I bitterly ask.

"Looks like someone's jealous!" Barty laughs as Pandora giggles.

"No, I just- I don't like how they look and touch him. I'm the only one that's allowed to do that!" I exclaim, going back to glaring at James.

I see red for a second before steadying myself against the table. I've had it. They are touching his arms, legs, and who knows what else! And he isn't doing anything! I'm so fucking done.

I get up, ignore the protests of all my friends and stomp over there. I'm so tired of this shit. He can't do this. He isn't even saying anything, only laughing with the rest of them. I walk over to their side and come close to the group. Once I'm there, Sirius spots me and waves.

"Reggie! To what do we owe the-"

"James. We're going." I deadpan, "Now."

I don't let him choose as I grab his wrist tightly. I pull him off his seat easily. I glare at everyone. I just don't care. James isn't theirs. He won't ever be. He's mine. Once he's up and confused, I pull him out of the hall.

He stumbles behind me as I find an empty corridor and walk through until I find myself a closet. When I do find one, I stop abruptly making him crash into me. I push him off of me roughly as I go to the closest door, wordlessly.

Over the walk, James has tried to talk to me, but to no avail. I shove him into the closet and I step in. I lock the door and send a 'lumos' through my want so he could see me. I was so done with his shit.

"Babe, wha-"

"Nope. Abso-fucking-lutly not. You don't get to 'babe' me." I deadpan.

"I don't see why I can't..?"

"Oh! So, let me get this straight. You don't see how you can't call me babe? Tell me you're kidding?!" I hysterically ask.

I find myself laughing out of the ridicule of James. He didn't see what he was doing? What a dick!

"This is bullshit! Utter bullshit, James!"

"Regulus, tell me what I did. I can't explain if I don't even know what you're talking about!" James exclaims.

"You were letting people all over you! You didn't even tell them no! Lily winked at me!" I exclaim, getting mad and wanting to touch and touch.

"Reg, I-"

I stop him right there as I stand on my tip-toes and pull his collar harshly. His back arches down as I push my lips into his. It was heated and the tiny closet was helping. He would try to take a step but I could easily push him back into the wall. I kissed with all the envy, jealousy, and stupidity he's made me feel. I kiss his lips, cheeks, jaw, neck, anywhere with skin.

He however just hissed with surprise sometimes. When I kiss down his jaw, lingering at places he would just turn his head, giving me more space. I sucked marks into his perfect skin, making dark places at which I smiled. I trail down to his neck, finding him lifting up his head. What a slut!

"You know, I would have given you attention if you would have asked." I tell him, biting down on his neck.

He grunts but replies, "W-what are you talking about?"

"You don't have to try to make me jealous just to get me to give you attention." I pull at his collar.

"Mgh! Well maybe I wanted you to get jealous."

"Oh? Is that right, now?" I ask, pulling his collar lightly.

"Yea. It I-is" he mustered out.

"Well isn't that just cute?" I asked.

He didn't respond so I decided to not give him attention. He wanted to tease like that? Fine. I can play this game.

I take a step back to look at my disheveled James. He's quite pretty like this. He leans against the wall for support and gently feels his jaw with his hand. He flinches, his eyes widening as his hand falls to his neck.

I just look at him. All the marks I've given him are quite big and noticeable. Oops? He shouldn't have made me jealous. I would have been nicer. I smirk and flatten my hair down. I look him up and down once more then open the closet door, remembering my wand on the way out.

He wanted to play this game. He wanted to make me jealous, so now I make him needy. I think it's almost worst this way. He will just have to wait. No more kisses for him. So u just walk to the nearest bathroom and look in the mirror. I wet my hair only so it isn't up in every direction and fix my robes.

He shouldn't have fucked with me.

As I walk back into the hall, nobody notices. Probably nobody cares. Why would they? They are all afraid of me anyway. I sit down next to Pandora and Barty as they just lift their eyebrows. I wave them off, going back to my plate of food.

The next minute passes and the hall doors open, emerging a multi-hickeyed James. The gasps were heard as I smirked at him. He glares at me, flipping me off discreetly as he walks to his table. I blow him a kiss and wink.

What a fucker.


Words: 1085

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