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The journey to loneliness is blurry. 

It a slow creeping decent,

the destination both surprising and unexpected. 

People come and go, never constant, 

never reliable. 

I can't blame them, 

they weren't required to stay;

never signed a contract tethering their life to mine. 

But in those times when loneliness is my only companion,

spiralling thoughts plant seeds of doubt in my mind. 

Maybe they left because I wasn't good enough?

Maybe I drove them away?

Maybe I unknowingly created the distance between us,

a gap they once attempted to bridge but eventually gave up trying.

It was a slow journey, but a fast fall.

Suddenly I was left alone,

shrouded in an unescapable darkness,

fighting demons with no one to offer a comforting light.

Maybe loneliness isn't my only companion after all.

Thoughts from my brainWhere stories live. Discover now