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"Give me all the blades and sharp objects you have in your room," Ahaan ordered her.

"Bhaiya, wo..." She replied, scared.

"I said now!" he groaned.

Zara gathered all the blades and sharp objects she had and placed them in a container, then hesitantly extended her hand towards Ahaan.

He took a blade from the container and held it to his wrist. Zara's eyes widened in horror, her mind racing with the realization of her mistake. She felt a chill run down her spine as she knelt before him, her hands shaking uncontrollably, she grasp his hand, and fresh tears started flowing down her cheeks

"Bhaiya, please!" she begged, her voice cracking with desperation.

"I know what I did was wrong. I promise... I promise to never touch them again. Please, don't harm... don't harm yourself! Remove this blade, Umer bhai, ask him to stop! I promise you, bhaiya , just please don't leave me with this guilt, please!"

Tears streamed down her face like a river, her body shivering with fear. She felt her heart being ripped apart. The thought of losing her brother was unbearable. Ahaan's eyes seemed to pierce through her soul. His gaze was a mix of anger and sadness.

I hope you guys liked the Prologue. Character sketch will be posted soon.

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Love you all.
See ya

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