Chapter Twenty-Three

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You guys spent the rest of the night talking, well into the very early morning, and at some point, you must've fallen asleep because when you rolled over to avoid the sun streaming in from the open window, you felt an empty spot where you definitely left your Wanda.

"Wands?" You called out, but it was half muffled by the pillow and low because of it being the morning, so your throat was kind of scratchy, "...Glinda?"

There wasn't an answer and for a second you thought maybe you had dreamt the entire thing. But this was debunked because you could still smell hints of her perfume and the soreness in your legs after you guys fooled around here and there between talking was still present, so you figured that wasn't for nothing.

"I swear," You grumbled into the comforter, "If that witch is showering without me."

"Oh, what're you going to do?" She teased mockingly and you turned your head to peek out from one eye, seeing her leaning up against the bathroom's doorway with a silk robe tied around her waist, brushing her hair with her legs lazily crossed at her ankles, "Because you don't seem up to doing anything right now from where I'm standing."

"It's too early," You groaned, closing your eyes again, and stifling a smile into the pillow when you heard her chuckle, her footsteps coming closer before you heard her set the brush on the nightstand, "Come back to bed, don't be crazy."

The sheet was bunched up at your waist, your bare chest pressed into the mattress, and she moved to straddle your ass, using it as a cushion, which made you chuckle.

"Can I give you a massage?" She asked, her voice sweet as her hands cupped your sides, "Just like this?"

"People are going to start asking where I got you," You smirked and she placed her hands on your lower back, "But yes, go ahead."

"Where you got me? Like at uni or...?" She asked curiously as she started pressing her hands into you – not one for massages, so describing is difficult, but it feels nice.

"Like on Amazon or something," You mumbled and that earned you a slap, but she leaned forward to reach behind her, landing that paw right on your left peach cheek, "Ow! Hey! Save it for the sexy times, damn!"

"I wasn't bought." She scowled and you chuckled, shaking your head.

"Babe, it's a compliment."

"Didn't sound like one." She huffed but continued with the massage and you moaned lowly when she pressed between your shoulders.

"Fuck, that feels good," You muttered lowly, mostly to yourself because you were surprised, but you didn't miss how she squirmed on top of you, making you smirk, a wicked idea coming to mind before you let out a small moan when you added, "Just like that, Wanda – fuck, so good."

You were happy to have your arms under the pillow where you were temporarily hiding your face so she couldn't hear your quiet giggles or see that you were smiling uncontrollably because then she wouldn't be practically whimpering on top of you right now.

"This is..." She could barely get out her question, already breathless, and you felt her ever so slightly buck against your ass when you let out another low moan as she pressed closer to your lower back, "It feels good, yeah?"

"Not like I haven't cum with just your fingers, babe," You kept your voice steady, trying so hard not to laugh or give it away, "You know what they do to me, and your voice – fuck, it's like pure sex in the morning."

Not a complete lie.

Actually, it's all true, so.

"Fuck," She moaned quietly, and you knew you had her when she leaned forward, placing kisses up your back as her hands snuck around to your front, but that's when you squirmed out of her hold, making her fall back onto the bed, landing on her ass instead of yours, "Love, what-"

"I should really shower," You yawned out, pulling the sheet around you, and then shrugged before letting it drop on the bed, leaving you to walk to the bathroom completely naked, her eyes burning into your backside, "Thanks for the massage, it was amazing. I'll pay you back by making my famous pancakes when I get out!"

"Pancakes..." She trailed off, still in a daze until she shook her head, glaring at your figure as it disappeared behind the door, but you left it cracked open since it was just you two and you were already naked, "You did that on purpose!" She shouted in realization before you heard a pillow hit the side of the door, "Maybe I should relist myself on Etsy or whatever then!"

"Etsy?" You poked your head out of the shower, already loofahing up your bod because you work fast and the water heats up so quickly in the tower, "Babe, get your sweet ass in here and let me treat you like the red bottom you are!"

You were grinning like a goof, laughing at what you said, and then stopped short with raised eyebrows when you heard the door slam back against the wall. You stayed frozen still, waiting for whatever was going to happen, to happen, and then she ripped open the shower curtain in one pull, startling you.

"Ah!" You did a fake high-pitched scream, similar to Psycho, but not so loud because you didn't want to bust a drum, maybe just a nut, and then covered your bits best you could by closing your arms and placing the loofah strategically, "Not like this!" You thrashed your head back and forth a couple times with your eyes closed, "Okay, take me – but don't be gentle!"

"You know you look ridiculous, right?" She said after a moment of the only sound being the water hitting the tub from the shower head and you slowly opened your eyes to see that while she looked unamused, there was a ghost of a smile crossing her lips, "And why're you showering in the tub when there's a perfectly good walk-in glass shower right there?"

She pointed to it, and you followed her gesture before turning back to her with a shit eating grin.

"Because this way, you can't join me."

"You're serious."

"I'm still sore," You huffed, and she tried not to look smug, "I told you not to do that with your teeth so hard, but you were like a freaking animal and now I've got fucking – Edward Cullen marks on my thighs and tits, babe! You're a witch for that."

"I don't know who Edward Colin is."

"Some sparkly, gay for a furry, vampire who had a weirdly hot dad, but I was young, and we both know I have daddy issues, so."

"So," She furrowed her eyebrows in thought and if the water ever ran cold, you'd have kicked her out by now, but Tony Stark doesn't deal with running out of hot water, so neither does the rest of the tower, "You're saying daddy issues made you think you're straight, but since you have that and mommy issues, you're bisexual?"

"I don't like labels."

"Fair enough, but am I wrong?"

"I'm naked, covered in your teeth marks – and don't think I didn't catch the monster hickeys you left all over my neck – fucking vampire I swear – and you're asking me if I've got some straightness in me?" You narrowed your eyes, your voice high with your disbelief, "You really think you didn't fuck the hetero out of me last night if I had? And more importantly – are you getting in the shower or not?"

She smirked, untying her robe painfully slow before it fell off her shoulders, and the second it pooled at her ankles, you moved so she could get in. She closed the curtain, but you already had your hands on her hips, pulling her under the water with you as you both chuckled, kissing, but it was more smiles pressed against smiles with how ridiculous you guys found that whole argument.

There was no real way you were ever going to take a break or tease someone like Wanda when she finally let you have her.

No way in hell.

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