Chapter 7 - The Main Attraction

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Rodrick pulled you to the side first, towards a tall group of bushes. Hidden in the darkness, now it definitely seemed like what you were doing was wrong and probably very illegal.

"I thought we were going into the school? Why are you taking me into the bushes?" You questioned, not really sure why you needed to be in shrubbery in the first place. It made you want to keep looking over your shoulder, afraid that at any moment, someone would catch you.

He pulls out a bag that was hidden in the thick foliage. "Here, put this on." He says, throwing something at you. When you grab it, you realize it's clothing. Did he expect you to change in front of him?

"I'm not roleplaying a teacher fantasy with you, if that's what you're planning on doing." You stick your nose up in the air, disgusted if that's what his night plans with you were.

"It's a janitor's uniform. So, when the camera's see us, they'll think we work here. No one is actively monitoring the cameras, but just to cover all of our bases, just in case." He looks through the bag and pulls out his own jumpsuit. He quickly gets into it, buttoning the top. He was putting it over his own clothes. Thank God, you were actually worried he might strip again.

"I didn't think-" You start to say before Rodrick cuts you off.

"That I look this damn good in a janitor's uniform?" He flicks up the collar and poses.

"That's not-" You try and he cuts you off once more.

"Not possible I know." He looks down before looking up at you through his eyebrows. It made his eyes seem even larger. "But I make being dirty look so fucking good." He eyes you up and down. Dear Lord, please don't let you catch a domestic charge smacking this idiot.

"- that you would plan this far ahead." You shoot him another look, he really needs to not cut you off. "Keys, disguises, intimate knowledge of the layout of the school." You step into the uniform, realizing it was slightly long on you. You kneel down to roll up the pants legs so they aren't flooding. You try to hide your smile from him, for what's about to happen.

"Well, look at you complimenting me! It's a nice change of pace." He goes to hide the bag back into the bushes. He pulls out a baseball cap and puts his on. Crossland High School in big, bold letters. He hands you your own hat as well.

"I'd say you planned to do this hours ago, before you even came to my window. I'd go as far as saying you planned a date for us. So much for friendship, right?" You taunt looking up at him from your spot on the ground. You push yourself off from your knee to stand, placing your hat on your head. Rodrick goes still for a moment, a beat passing between you. He quickly shakes it off and moves back to flirting.

"And if it was planned? If it was a date?" he says, lowering his voice, stepping towards you. He looks down at you, towering over you. You feel your breaths getting shallower and shallower. You try to hide it.

"Well, let's see. Breaking into a high school. Wearing dirty uniforms." You swallow and it hurts, your throat dry. Are you blinking too much? It feels like it. "I think you're a real charmer, Rodrick Heffley." You try to not let your nervousness show. He did make you nervous. You were sure of it now. He was right. You hadn't stopped thinking about him since you met.

"Oh, I have more plans to charm you. Your first official night in Plainview will be anything but plain." Rodrick took your hand in his, leading you into the school, down the dark hallways. The lockers were red, floors, ceiling, and walls white. The lights stayed off, thankfully. Only the emergency lights stayed on, which was a ceiling light every one hundred feet or so. The hats helped to hide you from the cameras, which you doubt could see much in the dark. You probably looked like two janitors all right. But you were two janitors who were holding hands.

You were very aware of his hand holding yours, so gentle and yet so strong. His hands were rough in texture, calloused. Yours were soft, fragile. He slowly led you down the hallway, not saying anything. Once you turned a corner into a new hallway, you felt it; the humidity. It was as if someone opened a window while blasting the heat. You looked to Rodrick, hoping for an explanation, but he was busy leading you to wherever he had planned.

He found the door he was looking for and pulled you inside. It smelled like teenage boy and chlorine.

"Oh my God, Rodrick. Could you have chosen a better smelling place?" You ask, holding your nose. Seriously, why did teenage boys smell so bad?

"This isn't what I want to show you. It's on the other side of the locker room. By the way, watch where you step. There's some pretty nasty things in here sometimes. Ben says he doesn't even clean the boys locker rooms." He says, placing his hand tiger around yours. He leads the way and you swallow hard. He wasn't wrong. ONe of his hands held yours and your other hand held your nose. You wish you were kidding about how bad it smelled here, but it was pretty bad.

Down one more hallway and you could see it. Well, not actually see it, but the light. Against the white tiled walls, the shimmer of blue iridescent light danced softly. Now the smell of chlorine made sense.

"Welcome to Crossland High's pool. Tonight's main attraction." He lets go of your hand to unlock the door to the pool. The room was large with various equipment against the wall. But it was quiet, serene, and peaceful. There was a large window that looked outside and a side door. Which you now wonder why didn't you go through that door. Knowing what you know about Rodrick so far, he probably did it on purpose so you can do his big elaborate plan.

"That's odd. I thought you were the main attraction." You snidely say, ignoring him. You looked into the water, it was inviting, but you were not going to swim. And you were not getting down to your bra and underwear to do so.

That was until you turned around and Rodrick was just in his underwear.

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