'No', a useful word

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No. Is a word that we uses oftenly. It's really useful. You can say 'no' to a person so they can know your emotions or what you feel towards someone or even what you want to do. But sometimes, this word is used without being respected. 'No' puts a barrier, but some people want to break that barrier. That is why the 'no' was created. To put barriers. If the barriers are broken, then it can also broke some people. That's why 'no' should always be used. But not abused. Yes you can use it a lot of time but be careful to not abuse it. Yes, an abuse of the 'no' could lead to pissed reaction or trust issues reaction. Let me explain. If someone says 'no' too much, you're going to get angry because you can't do what you want. You can also not want to tell them anything either, mostly because you are scared of their answer. This is why 'no' should be respected and not abused. And do what you want with it. I just gave some useful tips but as I said :

"Do what you want."

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