What I thought I feel was love but no. It was hatred. I wanted to love them, but I couldn't convince myself to do so. All I could do is accept this feeling that I didn't want. I forced myself to love them, but I couldn't do it. I'm truly sorry. I really wish I could do as so but... no. If only I saw it sooner. Sooner that I didn't love you. I wanted to, really but... I was scared about what could happen to you. I'm truly sorry. I promise. Stop loving me, it's for your own good. I can't love you back and I will never love you. I'm truly sorry. Please, go away now. I hate you but I don't want you to suffer. Believe me. Stop! You make me feel like a horrible person! Why do you want me to be with you! The only thing I do is hurt you... Please stop! I don't want to hurt you, please! GO. AWAY!
After a while, he stopped. But they cried. A lot. I saw them, and couldn't do anything. I just stand there. Awkwardly looking at them. That was it. And I just asked myself :"What do I do now?"
Random Writing
AcakJust some random burst of writing energy (and some random bs lol) Also, if you want to use it as the beginning of one of your story (or even a part of it), feel free to use! Thanks for reading in advance!