Too much people. There's a lot. I'm scared to move. I can't move. I don't have any way of escaping. I'm scared. I can't move. I don't know what to do. Smile, I just smile because I don't want people to worry about me or to be the center of attention. Just stay calm. They're not even looking at you so stop. Go away. But I can't. I'm stuck. It's all closed. Help, is the word I want to shout. But my throat is stuck. I don't know what to do left.
As time goes by, I just awkwardly stand, sit where I am. I'm just here, existing, and wanting to rush out to be alone. To be left alone, to avoid everyone's gaze. Just left alone, dealing with all the pressure of being in a crowd of people. I want them all to ignore me but at the same time to care about me because I feel empty, alone, lonely... all alone in an ocean of people, without any escape. Just my thoughts and my crying eyes to reflect my feelings, but nobody understands it. Some look at me weird. The more they ask, the worst I feel because I think of myself as an attention seeker, but I just feel useless and left out, without anyone to understand me or to be here with me, in my pain, to understand my thoughts to understand my thoughts. I just feel like a character that anyone just ignore and left out. All alone, in an ocean of people, talking with each other about stuff that happened. And me just feeling guilty, mostly because I'm not like them. I'm stressed out, I want to go out. Feel the breeze on me and ask myself why am I like this. Why am I always doing this, that's not even a good idea. I just want to stop but every time, I... want to run, run as far as I can. Run far and fast to escape my fate, to escape the people, to escape and outrun life. That's when I tell myself :"How do you plan of outrun life anyway?"
Random Writing
РазноеJust some random burst of writing energy (and some random bs lol) Also, if you want to use it as the beginning of one of your story (or even a part of it), feel free to use! Thanks for reading in advance!