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I'm all alone, always. I'm scared... I don't know what to do... I want to have someone or something... But no... I'm all alone, in the dark. I want to go out of the loneliness... To go into the light... But I'm scared of what could happen... I'm... Terrified... But why? If I want change so much... Why am I scared? I don't understand... Why am I always alone, I'm feeling so lost, it's so dark... Is it swallowing me? Am I going insane? Why... I want to know... Why? I want change but I'm scared of it... I want the light but the dark is who I am... Am I... Normal? Is it normal? Am I just out of the ordinary? Why? Why? WHY?... I want this change... But I'm scared of it... I... I'm lost... I'm alone, I'm scared, I'm in the dark... And it's swallowing me... I'm going deeper and deeper into the darkness... I don't know where to go... I don't know why I should go... I don't know if I should run away... The dark is scary but... It's reassuring... I'm good in here... But... The ray of light are beautiful... They pierce through the dark easily... They're not scared of anything... They're perfect... And the dark is... Enormous... And oppressing but comforting... There's a lot of things on the light but nothing in the dark... A complete void... Like me... I'm the dark and the dark is me... The light pierce through me, through the dark... But why? Why can't it be absorbed? Why can't it disappear... Why does the dark does but not the light... Why is it neverending... Why is the dark alone? Why is it all... Alone? Why can't the light understand... Can't they just be friends and not push one another... Why? Why is the light so powerful and unpleasant... It's annoying... I hate it... Why? Why why why why why why why?... I don't want to leave... But I want a change... A less darker darkness... An opening on the darkness... A faint ray of light... Just for it... To be swallowed by the world... I'm scared... Alone... Without anything... Please... Please... Someone... Find me...

Be my light

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