Feelings. Those things are weird. I don't understand what they are... I don't feel anything towards anyone. I wish I could comprehend what they are. I don't get the principal of feeling something... is this weird? Perhaps. To be honest, I don't really care. I just want to leave in peace.
I don't like the idea of feeling something, it makes you vulnerable and people can take advantage of you and this feelings. I don't like that, it's weird. Sometimes people wrongly use their emotions. That's weird, disturbing. I don't like it.
Feelings, they need to disappear. Nobody needs them. We could just leave in a perfect world without feelings, without people being abused, without people killing out of vengeance or for some ridiculous shit or even for stupid reason. Feelings should be banned and forbidden, they hurt others and hurt the people who can feel them. It can destroy people's life... I hate feelings.
Random Writing
De TodoJust some random burst of writing energy (and some random bs lol) Also, if you want to use it as the beginning of one of your story (or even a part of it), feel free to use! Thanks for reading in advance!