Part Two

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You wake from your bed in a hot sweat. Thinking to yourself 'last night was definitely in my head, right?' Until you see a letter fly under your door followed by rushed footsteps fading away. You pick the letter up which reads... ' Dearest Y/N, I let myself get out of control last night. That will not happen again. I apologise. You make me feel strange things, that I cannot understand. That is hard for me to admit. I shall let you be for now. I understand I came on too much for our first meeting. Regards, Tom. '
Your heart is thumping through your chest. The Tom Riddle, heartless and cold, writing me a letter!? You cannot fathom this. You take your top off and start running the shower. You put some music on and slow dance around your dorm, cleaning. You feel a cold breeze brush past you, the hairs on your body rise and your nippləs harden. You turn your head fast as you hear the door thump... and there he is. The one who wrote that he would leave you alone. Tom, he's standing in the shadow by your door. You gulp and start breathing heavily. He comes closer, standing right in front of you, he lifts a hand and starting from under you bellybutton he drags his finger softly upwards, your both gazing into eachothers eyes, his blue stary eyes, pupils widened. He places you onto youe bed, your sitting at the edge. He kneels infront of you both hands on your thighs, squeezing them tightly, which makes you very wet. He's kissing your stomach and starts kissing up towards your brea§ts, he licks your nıppləs and suçks them softly. You let out a moan, along with a soft ' Ohhh Tom. '
He smirks and slowly gets up.
He walks to the door, and firmly says... ' Your showers waiting, Y/N.'  And leaves.

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