Chap 2- temptations

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Charlotte walked into the room looking around in shock, but her gaze immediately falls to her brother, Jonathan. She see her own brother panting heavily and looking very demonic. Jonathan was trying so hard to fight the temptations to just take a bite out of her. She looked so vulnerable and innocent it was hard not to stare. Max and Jonathan were staring at her, up and down, admiring how petite her delicious body looked. Silence filled the room along with Jonathan's panting and heavy breathing.

"Brother...? Are you ok?" Charlotte's soft voice whispered. Jonathan nodded and covered his face, trying to calm himself down. Max looked her up and down and up again, admiring every inch of her perfect curves. Max's deep raspy voice spoke "I'd be best if you'd leave, darling". A faint smirk creeped up his face as his gaze finally rested on her eyes, her eyes of fear. She nodded looking at her brother once more before turning around and walking out, her body slightly trembling. Max watched her as she left in fear, he bit his lip staring at the doorway where she once was. "You should've told me that your sis was hot" max snarked and put his hand on Jonathan's back, comforting him during his hard times. Jonathan let out a deep groan before turning to Max with a cold glare "lay a finger on her, and I'll be drinking your blood from the floor" Jonathan threatened with an icy cold expression, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

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