Chap 3- anger

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Charlotte walks back to her room, next door to Jonathan's. She can faintly hear them speaking in the distance but can't make out any of their words. She finally walks into her room and quickly shuts the door still a little shocked from what she saw. She sat on her bed, processing what happened. "What if he's a demon?" She thought and suddenly heard a loud scream from his room. Her eyes widened in shock as she put her ear to the wall seeing if she can hear what's happening.

Meanwhile, as soon as she left the room, Max ruffled Jonathan's hair "you're crazy man, I won't even go near your sister" Max rolled his eyes and scoffed. But Jonathan was not having it "why were you checking her out then, pervert?" He grumbled and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Don't worry, dude. She's not even my type" Max rolled his eyes and chuckled deeply.
"Don't play games with me"
Jonathan growled and glared at him.
"You're so defensive, no wonder you have anger issues" Max laughed and turned to him with a grin, but his smile quickly faded. Jonathan was trembling as his fist was clenched and his face red. "Bro, you alright?" He scratched the back of his neck a little nervous now. Suddenly he went flying to the wall as Jonathan had pounced on him and pinned him to the wall. "What did you say about me, punk?!" Jonathan yelled as his fist went up getting ready to knock him out. Max's eyed widened as he looked up at his fist, his body trembling. "P-please! I'm sorry, man. It was a joke I swear!" Max managed to shakily get out, as he closed his eyes and covered his face. He was knew that Jonathan was craving blood like crazy the night, which also meant that he was extremely strong and could kill him if he wanted to. But he couldn't really because Max was also a vampire, and they healed faster than normal humans. Jonathan gritted his teeth before sending the powerful force of his fist right in Max's face, making blood drip out his nose. He got triggered as his breath started to get heavier and he started going all out, punching Max rapidly. And Well, you can probably guess what happened next...

After some very long minutes, Max laid up against the wall with blood all over his clothes.
Jonathan looked down at him with blood on his knuckles and some on his clothes as well. He sighed and sat on his bed, still looking at Max. "Get up, I know you're not that injured" Jonathan grumbled, and rolled his eyes. Max was panting when he finally stood up with little pain, since he was a vampire and healed quickly. "Go home, before I actually do some damage" Jonathan muttered and looked away from him so he won't get more triggered from the blood on his clothes. Max nodded and limped to the door.

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