chap 11- lying?

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ding dong!

"i'll get it!" Charlotte shouted from her room. she quickly ran to the door, her eyes widening in shock. her gaze immediately fell to Max "hey girl!" Lucy shouted as she came from behind Max, making him flinch. "the hell... who are you??" he asked confused as they both walked into the house.

"hello! i'm Lucy, Char's friend" she smiled brightly and held out her hand for him. but he just stared at her grossly and shook her hand. "it's Charlotte actually. and my name's max" he rolled his eyes, obviously not amused by her. "I know! i've heard about you a few times" she giggled nervously, she had never been turned down before, and she hated it.

she gritted her teeth as she stared in his eyes deeply. "definitely a vampire" she thought as she realized she was still holding his hand. "I don't think she would be friends with someone like you" he mumbled as he snatched his hand away. "I-I'm so sorry!" she grabbed his hand again, but he just snatched his hand back again and glared at her in disgust. "don't touch me" he said coldly before walking off into Jonathan's room.

as the whole thing unfolded Charlotte just stood there not knowing what to do. she looked over and saw Lucy's face red and her fist clenched. "are you ok? he didn't mean it, i'm pretty sure" she rushed to her side and tried to comfort her. Lucy just sighed and started walking to Charlotte's room like she lived there.

Charlotte quickly followed her and sat on her desk chair, while Lucy sat on her bed. "I didn't know you had a crush on Max" Charlotte chuckled and started brushing her hair.

Lucy gasped and quickly shook her head. "no way! I hate that punk now" she grumbled and sighed, the plan wasn't working like she wanted. everything was failing, she hated it. "sure, whatever you wanna think" Charlotte muttered.

"i'll be back, ima go to the bathroom" Charlotte huffed, as she stood up and made her way down the hallway. Lucy sat in her room and thought it was the perfect chance to get Max. she texted Jonathan who was with Max at the moment.

Lucy: can you tell Max to come into Char's room?

Lucy: I have a plan

Jonathan: whatever

after a few minutes Max walked into the room and looked around, ignoring Lucy completely. "Where's Charlotte?" he asked confused then his eyes met Lucy's. he sighed and leaned against the door frame. "she went to the restroom, she'll be back in a second" Lucy said with a soft smile, she couldn't let him get away again. "why were you acting so rude to me earlier?" she said with a smile, but you could tell she was mad. "was I? I don't remember that" he shrugged his shoulders and looked away from her. "you were. i'm trying to get closer to you" she said, stating the obvious. "why? I don't like girls like you" he rolled his eyes and sighed angrily. "if you don't have anything else to say, just tell me when Charlotte get's back" he said coldly and started walking away. "wait! I... i'm a vampire!" she stood up and yelled after him.

he stopped in his tracks and turned to face her with a slight smile. "you are?" he questioned as she nodded. "hah! that's a surprise. maybe you're not so bad after all" he grinned and crossed his arms.

she just stood there with a smile. she had done it, but at the price of lying to him. he won't find out, right? he can't, no matter what.

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