Chap 4- blood

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Max quickly walked out the house, still hurting a little from the beat down. Charlotte had heard everything that had happened in the room. Her mouth agape, she quickly ran down the hallway into Jonathan's room. She knocked on the door angrily and waited for him to open it, but there was no response. "Jonathan?" She whispered loud enough for Jonathan to hear. After a few minutes of silence, she finally just burst into the room. "What the hell happe-" she was quickly cut off by her brother Jonathan sitting on his bed with bloody knuckles.

He looked up at her and growled deeply. "What did I say about coming into my room without my permission?" He asked with his voice deeper than normal. She looked at him with fear but masked it with her curiosity. She stared at him intensely, as he looked right back with his dangerous dark red. She felt a shiver go down her spine as the air around her became colder. "I need answers now, what's going on?" He stared at her intensely before sighing and standing up, approaching her at the doorway. "Wh-what are you doing?" She stuttered, still scared but more curious now. He walked up to her, almost touching her with his body but he stopped himself. He bit his lip to hold back himself from biting her because of how good her blood smelled. He leaned in and close to her ear and whispered to her, deeply, and softly. "Forget anything you have seen or heard. I just got a little mad, you understand right, my dear sister?" Her eyes widened as her breath hitched. She stared at the wall behind him, as he was still very close to her, breathing softly on her ear.

She quickly snapped out the trance and pushed him away. "What the f#ck man?! Have you lost your mind!?" She yelled and stared at him still in shock of what her own brother did. "Apologize to Max right now, or I'll do it!" She demanded angrily, as her mentioning Max struck a nerve in his head. "Don't you dare even talk to that a$$hole!"he said angrily "and I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do" she scoffed and walked out his room "then I am, I don't care what you say!" She yelled from the other room. He cursed under his breath and closed the door to his room, still craving blood. "That a$$hole better not hurt her. I'll actually kill his a$$" he muttered and immediately texted Max to get ready.

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