Chap 7- panic

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Jonathan sits in his room, scared, and slightly nervous for his sister's return. His foot tapping on the floor as he grips his phone tightly, hoping to hear from her at least once. He's been friends with Max long enough to know that he has a very bad history with girls. He wasn't know as the playboy for no reason. he always played with girls feeling all for their sweet blood. He was evil. at least in his eyes, but he always stuck around with him because they were mostly the only vampires that understood each other.

meanwhile, at max's house. Charlotte felt the piercing pain of his fangs making their way through her soft skin. her head started to spin as the pain started to fade, being replaced by the weirdly pleasurable feeling of her blood slowly being drained. while she felt as she was about to faint on the spot, Max was slowly sucking on the freshly made wound. he sucked on her skin slowly, making sure to suck as much of the sweet blood as he could. he let out a small sound of pleasure while he ran his tongue around the pierced skin. he was so caught up on the sweet, rich taste of her blood, that he didn't notice that her body went numb. when he did notice he quickly licked up the remaining blood on the wound and pulled off her. he licked his lip as his gaze landed on her face, she had fainted. his mood instantly became fear, he gasped and laid her on his bed."sh!t, f#ck!"he started to panic, shaking her rapidly, hoping shed wake up. after a few minutes of shaking her and yelling he finally gave up. he looked at his phone in fear as he slowly dialed Jonathan's number. "he's going to literally kill me" he muttered as the phone began to ring.

After a few minutes, Jonathan answered the call. "what do you want, bro?" he said coldly, expecting that something has gone wrong. Max gulped and sighed before speaking nervously "umm your sister is a little tired... can you pick her up real quick?" he spoke very nervously and prayed he wouldn't cuss him out right there and then. "what do you mean tired? tell me what happened right now, or i'll murder you. I know where you live" he said seriously without sarcasm. when it came to his sister he was very protective. "well...I accidentally bit her... and she fainted" he stuttered worried. there was silence for a few minutes before the call suddenly ended."f#ck! i'm so dead..." he muttered and tried to wake her again panicked for his life this time.

he paced around his room panicked waiting for him to arrive and kill him on the spot. and after a few minutes, there he was, at the front door. Max reluctantly opened the door looking at the floor, scared for his life. Jonathan didn't spare him a second glance before bursting into the house like it was his own. since he's been there before he knew exactly where his room was. he bursted int his room and glared down at the bed as Max joined him there. his worried expression turned into one of straight confusion as he stared at Charlotte. she was indeed laying on the bed, but she was wide awake and just as confused as they were.

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