chap 10- call

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Jonathan sits in his room pissed, he grumbled as he stared at his phone blankly. silence filled the room, as he could faintly hear Charlotte from her room. minutes passed as no reply from Lucy came through. he was getting more angrier as each second passed, Charlotte's loud talking was not helping. he finally had enough and stormed out his room and down the hall. he was about to burst into Charlotte's room when he accidentally overheard Charlotte and Lucy talking. "hey, your brother texted me. what's going on with him" he heard Lucy say, as he leaned on the door to hear what was going on. "he did? that's weird. text him back" Charlotte said, as he smirked and headed back to his room, feeling satisfied. he soon got a text on his phone, as expected.

Jonathan: hello can you call?

Lucy: sup yeah just give me a sec

Lucy: what is it about?

Jonathan: just some vamp crap

Lucy: ok

he smiled feeling satisfied and complete, as he laid back on his bed, his muscular body taking up most of the space. he stared at the roof, waiting for her to finally to call him so he can talk about his mastermind plan.

Not long after his phone started ringing as a smirk creeped up his lips. he answered the call, still lying down. "heh what's up?" he chuckled mischievously, as he stared at the screen with a smirk, his body being showed in the view. "long time no see, lets just jump straight into the problem" she sighed at the camera as her gaze fell to the lower part of the phone, showing his chest in the tight fitted shirt. "it's about Max, you know him right?" he asked still staring at the screen with his signature smirk. "yeah, I just found out he was vampire. i'm guessing you already knew that, huh?" she chuckled and just looked away from the screen. "yeah, he's my friend after all" he scoffed and his tone became serious. "anyway I didn't call just to stall. I need your help" he said in a serious tone

'help? ok, what is it?" she noticed his seriousness and gulped, still being a little intimidated by him. "i'm pretty sure max likes Charlotte, and I do not tolerate it at all" he said without any intentions of joking. she laughed nervously and nodded. "I see... and how do I have anything to do with that??" she asked still a little confused.

"I need you to become Max's new fling" he said confidently, thinking his plan was perfect. "his what?!" she yelled and her head started to spin. he sighed and covered the speakers of his phone before speaking angrily "keep it down, will you? she can't know about this". her eyes widened before she spoke in an angry voice as well, to match his tone."I don't know about it, it's a little much" he sighed again and glared at her through the screen. "just make him fall for you, and let him have his fun for a while, is that too much to ask?" he asked more calmly to convince her, he was very desperate. "fine, only this once though" she sighed and thought about making him fall for her. it sounded impossible, but she knew that he was a player and got new girlfriends faster than you could count to ten.

his smirk turned into a full grin as he laughed softly. "thank you, please come over tomorrow. just ask Charlotte or something. i'll bring Max over and we can start our little plan, deal?" he asked deviously. "deal, i'll be there at 2" she smiled and hung up the call, not knowing what to feel. Jonathan smirked as he contacted Max.

Jonathan: come over tomorrow

Max: that's sudden, what time?

Jonathan: 2 pm Lucy will be there as well

Max: okay see ya there

Jonathan then put down his phone as he started laughing like he was insane. which at this point, he was losing sanity. "this is too easy. no one will hurt you, my dear sister" he said with his eyes wide as he grinned deviously. "you will be mine. no matter what" his laugh audible from his sisters room.

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