Chap 5- first visit

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Charlotte slams her door and sits on her bed, not even knowing what to feel. She's mad at her brother but also she wants answers why he's acting so weird. "Damn it... why would you do this to me?" She cursed under her breath and sighed. She decided that getting some sleep is best so she soon got ready for bed.

Then, the next day arrived, she got up and did everything like she normally did. Til thoughts of yesterday came pouring in her head like a waterfall. But, her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a ding on her phone. She checked her phone and saw that Max had texted her.

Max: hey, ur bro said ur coming over
Max: is it true??
Max: he sounds pissed
Charlotte: yea I'm coming over. Give me a sec

She put her phone down and started to get ready to go to Max's house. She wore a crop top and some baggy jeans to not look too bad, but also so she wasn't dressing up fancy for him. She walked out her room and saw that Jonathan's door was locked, so she just ignored him. She hopped in her car and drove to his house. After a while, she finally arrived and knocked on his door, waiting for him to answer. Not long after, the door swung open, and there stood max, shirtless with shorts on, showing his toned abs and arms. It's seemed as he just got out the shower because his black hair was wet, so as his chest. "Sh!t... I didn't think you'd be here so fast" max Stammered embarrassed as charlotte just stood there, staring at his body with soft blush on her cheeks. "Hehe... it's alright" she giggled and forced her gaze to his eyes. "So can I come in or what?" She asked while he chuckled softly. "Yeah, come in, darling" he held open the door for her with a small smile as she walked in and took a look around, this being her first time at his house. "Nice place" she said impressed and he lead her to his room. "Thanks, someone has to clean around here" he teased and opened the door to his bedroom. She took a look around and chuckled at how dark and scary it looked. With the walls being a dark blue, though there was mostly just posters on the wall. "Why's it so dark? Are you a vampire or something?" She teased and smirked at him, although his expression turned nervous. "Haha, that'd be cool" he laughed nervously, he didn't like lying to anyone. Especially the girl he showed an interest in. "Yeah, I think so. They're a little scary though" she chuckled softly and noticed his nervousness, but paid no attention to it. He tried to shake off the nerves and sat down on his bed, inviting her to sit too. She eventually sat down next to him, their legs and shoulders almost touching. He looked down and saw them almost touching, he gaze on the small crack separating them. "Hello? I'm still here, you know?" She questioned, and he quickly snapped his attention back to her face, realizing that he spaced out. "sorry, I got distracted" he said nervously, his cool act that he usually put on seemed to fade as soon as he was near her.

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