Chap 6- one bite

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"I'm such a f#cking idiot" Max thought as his face stayed as neutral as he could. He was loosing everything while with her, and he couldn't put his finger on why. "You know, your brother's an a$$" he snarled and chuckled. Charlotte laughed and nodded, agreeing with him 100% "I know, he was acting so weird yesterday. He kept getting close to me and stuff" she claimed and huffed frustrated. "He also had blood on his hands, I don't understand him sometimes" she sighed and turned to look at him, wondering why he wasn't responding.

Her confused expression quickly turned into one of fear as max was staring at her with half-lidded eyes. His eyes were a dark red which wasn't normal, and he had a hungry expression, staring at her neck. "Hey... what's wrong, Max??" She questioned scared of what was going on with him. "F#ck..." he mumbled, as he reached out his hand, and gently placed it on the side of her neck. She shivered feeling the coldness of his hand on her skin. "Max! Stop this, I'm uncomfortable" she demanded and grabbed his wrist, making him snap out of the weird trance. He quickly noticed what was happening and pulled his hand away, remembering that he didn't eat breakfast this morning and was craving blood. "I'm so sorry. I'm not feeling the best today" he rubbed his temples and tried to calm down his bloodlust.

"You and my brother... what the hell is wrong with you guys?!" She huffed angrily and put her hand on his forehead, feeling if he was sick or not. "Are you sure you're ok? I think my brother gave you a fever or something. It's the only explanation" she asked worried, but he wasn't listening at all, not a single word. As she felt his forehead, his gaze landed on her arm that was in front of his eyes. Her veins, her skin, her smell. He couldn't resist any longer. "F#ck, I'm sorry darling" he said with a deep, raspy voice. "What are you talking abo-!?" She was suddenly cut off by Max. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms in one swift motion. She let out a small gasp being caught off guard from him. He gently pressed his fingers on her neck and leaned in, his breath tickling her skin making her close her eyes from shock. He leaned in more and gently ran his tongue over her perfect skin, leaving a small trail of saliva. She let out another small gasp as her breath got heavier and faster. Before she knew it, he put his mouth on the side of her neck and slowly sunk his fangs in.

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