Chap 8- relief

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Max stared at Charlotte, who was staring at Jonathan, who was staring at Max. Everyone was confused and wanted answers as the silence filled the room. Finally Jonathan spoke up in his deep voice "I thought she fainted" then max gave him a blank stare "same, man" max claimed and they both turned to charlotte. "Why is my brother here??" Charlotte asked confused. Then max sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Charlotte, you fainted so i called your brother. And I guess you woke up?" Max said staring at the bite mark he had left on her neck. "Do you remember anything?" Max asked, still a little nervous. She shook her head no and Max sighed, feeling relieved that she didn't remember his secret. But it wouldn't take her long before she saw the bite mark and she'd start questioning everything.

Jonathan grabbed charlotte's hand and pulled her off the bed. "We should go now. Come on sis" Jonathan grumbled, still pissed about the whole thing, as he walked out the room. Max waved to Charlotte with a small smile before she left with Jonathan. Max went back into his room with a small smile, before he sat on his bed thinking about what happened. He could still faintly taste her blood on his lips, as he remembered how good it felt. "Her blood is so sweet... I wonder what the rest of her tastes like~" he said in a slightly flirty tone, as his smile quickly turned into a full on smirk.

Charlotte got into Jonathan's car as he started the engine, not saying a word. As they drove back home the silence just got louder while the tension could be felt throughout the car, no words needed. She looked out the window, still having some questions but he looked very fed up. He was gripping the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles started to turn white, he was obviously ticked off by something, but not a single word left his mouth. As she looked out the window she turned her head and suddenly felt a sharp pain, letting out a small grunt. She put her hand on her neck and felt what caused the pain. Her calm expression quickly turned into one of confusion and fear, as she felt two small wounds that were pretty deep.

The wound was still fresh so it happened at max's house. As she started to place the pieces together the car suddenly stopped and Jonathan got out. Before she had realized it, they were already home. She soon got out the car along with Jonathan, as they made their way into the house. As they walked inside Jonathan immediately went into his room and locked the door. She didn't think much of it and went into her own room, still feeling the small wound on her neck. She walked into her room and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked normal, except for one thing. The red bite mark on her neck, the one she had been feeling.

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