chap 9- reply

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Lucy is a normal girl, same as Charlotte. Lucy is more of the rebel type, while Charlotte is a normal popular girl. though, Lucy isn't as clueless as Charlotte, she is well aware of the bloodsuckers, unlike her. the two girls are friends, best friends actually, they have been together for a while now and have shared all secrets. until now. Jonathan is aware of their friendship and everything about it, so he decides to use it in his favor. he still hates the idea of his best friend using his sister, and will do everything in his power to prevent it. knowing that Lucy knows about vampires, he had asked for her number not long ago. he decided to text her, but after a few minutes there was no reply, she had seen it, but no response.

Charlotte sat in her room, trying to figure out what happened. "did I get bit? it looks like a spider or something." she thought, she was still shook about the bite mark on her neck. suddenly she got a call, it was Lucy. her thoughts quickly faded and she answered the call. "hey girl! whats up?" she said staring at the screen blankly. "hey, your bother texted me. what's going on with him?" Lucy asked, confused why he would text her of all people. Charlotte became confused, he had not been speaking to her all night, and he just texted her best friend? the pieces were not aligning to her. "he did? that's weird. text him back" charlotte said, she wanted to find out what was going on with him. she was getting more and more confused by the second, but that just fueled her determination. "if you say so" Lucy then texted him back finally.

Jonathan: hello can you call?

Lucy: sup yeah just give me a sec

Lucy: what is it about?

Jonathan: just some vamp crap

Lucy: ok

"he just wants to talk about some things" Lucy said, she knew that Charlotte didn't know about vampires, and Lucy didn't want her to know. she liked being on top, she always wanted to be the superior. She knew Charlotte would have the upper hand if she found out about vampires, so Lucy never brought it up. "I see, I guess you can go" Charlotte said, still worried about her brother. she was about to end the call when she suddenly remembered something. "wait! I forgot to tell you. i went to max's house and now I have this weird bite mark" she claimed as Lucy's face went pail "bite mark? max?" she knew exactly what happened. "I think it was a spider, just get some rest" Lucy said, she now knew that max was a vampire as well as her brother. "ok, don't be too nice to my brother" Charlotte sighed and ended the call.

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