004. Banished

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Thomas ran, with ben chasing not far behind him, everyone ran trying to help, But ben had already tackled thomas, and was shouting and spitting on him.

"I'll kill you!" Ben wrapped his hands around thomas' neck. attempting to strangle him.

"Holy fudge knuckles.." Mia whispered to herself. You see Mia was never a fan of glader slang, or cursing, so she came up with her own slang. small things such as "Fudge knuckles" or "bum bum" Or even "Poo". Yes she did sound like a child but the gladers found it funny, especially Minho, he loved teasing her about her no glader slang/ No cuss words policy.

"Hey!" Newt shouted running over to ben, and whacking him with a metal pole, to get him off the new greenie.

The boys surrounded him shouting different things

"Hold him down!"

"Make a path!"

"Stay still"

"What happend"

The boys listened to whoever shouted 'make a path' because, as soon as they did Mia rushed over, Pulling a small medical light out of her pocket.

"He's been stung..." She announces shining the light into ben's now black eyes.

"Are you sure" a boy asked

"Yes i'm sure!" She says lifting his shirt to show the black veins in his stomach

"Alby!" Mia called, not knowing completely what to do.

"He's been stung in the middle of the day?" Gally questions.

"Seems like it" Mia now tucks the small light into her beige jean shorts.

"Please, i'm sorry" Ben pleaded, as Alby came through.

"Alby he's been stung. In broad daylight!" Mia announces once again.
She lifts his shirt once more, dropping it down, as the leader crouches to their level.

"Please, just help" He begs once again. It pained Mia to see a glader in pain. But she still needed redirecting.

"What do we do?" She asks looking up at alby, He uses his hands to help him stand up before speaking.

"Put him in the pit." He points to the slammer.

"Come one everybody help! take him to the pit" Alby shouts once again. Gesturing for Mia to come over.

She makes her way next to him, as he goes in front of her slightly. Mia always saw alby as a big brother, and he always protected her, even if she didn't need it. She appreciated him so much, But he didn't even see it.

The boys carried ben by the arms and legs over to the slammer, ben still pleading for a way out.

"Please! I need help, No! No! i didn't mean to!" his cries were so loud, Mia could barley hear her own breathing.

Alby nudged Mia's shoulder, signaling for her to go, So as the two pushed through the crowed, people stared.

They walked in silence, not knowing what to say.

"I still don't understand how he got stung in Broad daylight.." She questions once again, not getting an answer from before.

"I'm not sure, but we'll figure it out. Right now go back to what you were doing." He shoed her off with his hand

And began to walk away but stopped before she left

"Hey alby?" She asks "hm" he turns to her, "Thank you" Her lips turn to a small smile. "No problem, Lady shank" He says turning back to what he was doing.


The walls were about to close, and everyone gathered around the doors, keepers holding long wood rods, And bystanders hiding behind.

Mia stood closer then recommended to the group, but she didn't care. Minho walked to the group, aggressively pulling a tied up ben, and throwing him onto the floor in front of the keepers. Whipping out his small knife, and cutting the ropes holding ben.

"Minho please!" He begged. But then it turned into a beastly growl.

As he was on his hands and knees, you could hear his heavy breaths, He started coughing up black goo, and struggling more and more to breathe.
He cried as he coughed, and kept trying to lift himself up, but couldn't.

Minho stood infront of him, holding a small bag.

"No no, please don't, please don't do it!" He begged, and cried.

Minho looked up to a pained alby, and nodded

He threw the bag in, as the maze doors started to rumble.

Ben was hysterically shaking and crying, trying to live further, as wind blew from inside the maze.
"Poles" Alby shouted, the keepers bringing their poles towards ben, pushing him more into the maze.
"Move in!" As ben was being closed off he kept crying and pleading.

Mia couldn't watch this, She put her hand over her mouth and tightly shut her eyes, hoping it would all go away, but it didn't.

"Please listen to me! I can get better" More pleads came as he was being pushed inside. The walls rumbling as they closed more.

As the keepers got closer the walls came did too, ben trying to stop the walls from closing, as he was forced to back into the maze. "No!" his scream was cut off by the walls shutting.

Everything was silent, But sometimes the silence was so loud, you could hear it. Everyone was still, not knowing what to say, All of the pain visibly showing on their faces.

After the minutes of silence passed, alby turned from the walls, and broke it. "He belongs to the maze now." Was all alby said before walking away. Small murmurs were also heard, but once again silence took over.

Everyone started dispersing, including the keepers who now stuck the poles into the dirt, Mia started walking away, catching up to minho, who was alone, She didn't say anything, just walked next to him, watching the others sadly depart.

She watched the brit once again, his limp not being as visible now but surely still there. She turned around quickly to see the new greenie simply standing at the walls once again. Alone this time, she sighed and kept walking.


She sat in her hammock, the one that was away from all the other boys, as a small precaution from the 'creeps', Fire lighting up the name wall, on the stone, far away from her, and a few small torches, such as one by chuck and the greenie, and one more by her. She had lit a torch so that she could read, She had just gotten new books from the box, as she requested. Love story's were her favourite to read, Especially when she was upset, though she could only hope for a love like the books.

eventually drifting off with her book open laying on her chest, and her hands rested on top.

she fell into a blissful sleep.


Heyy!! I haven't published in a hot minute, but i'm gonna try to keep updates more frequent.

Go check out my tiktok "Sangsters.lvr"
Also all rights to james dashner for maze runner!!

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