010. Water Balloons..?

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"Mia! Mia! Mia!" Chuck runs in, panting like a dog. "What's wrong chuck?" Mia asked concerned at the boy, who was as red as a tomato. "We found Balloons, we think they're water balloons!" He exclaims, still panting heavily. "Okay..? What does that have to do with me?" She stands up off the bed, and Calls over clint and jeff. "The entire glade is having a water balloon fight!" He laughs "Seriously?" Jeff turns to the boy, before looking at clint, who was nodding quickly. "Let's go!" The 3 boys ran out. "Guys!" Mia called after them, before sighing and walking out.


Almost the Entire glade was outside, huddled in a circle, as minho was picking teams, "Curls! glad to see you could join us" He laughed. "Hey Minho!" She waved from far away, before g jogging up to them "Glad to be here, What's happening?" She asked now face to face with the spikes haired boy "You're on my team" He points to the left, where she saw a few boys, including, Jeff, Zart, Newt, a boy named theo, Another named Joseph, and thomas, more boys too, Mia just didn't know their names. "Hey boys" She walks over to them "Mia!" Jeff shouts "You came!" He laughs "I wouldn't want to be one of the Losers not playing!" She walks closer to the group and makes small talk with the boys, well the rest of the teams are being chosen. More boys join them, and more being sent to the other team, With Chuck, Fry, Clint, and a few more. 


"Lady, and gentleman!" Minho proudly stated "Welcome to the war!" He continues, getting a few weird looks. "Here we have two bins full of water balloons! One red, One blue, My team is team blue, And Chucks team, Is team red! We have coloured the water with crushed up flower petals, collected by yours truly" He gestures to himself. "But, Now we must start, Let the games begin!" He walks over next to mia, "3..." Minho uses his fingers to count. "2..." All the boys getting ready to run towards their colours bin. "1..."
This time Mia was ready too. "Go!"

All the boys started running, grabbing, and throwing the balloons, it was pure chaos, People screaming, Laughing, falling, "What a great day to wear white" Mia thought, Before picking one of her blue balloons and chucking it at clint, It hit him straight in the stomach, exploding colour all over him, Before he dramatically fell to the floor, Pretending to be dying. Mia put her hands on her hips, and laughed at the boy. But before she knew it she was being pulled to the side, and right into someone's chest, As she stared at the red balloon that would have hit her, if that person hadn't moved her. Mia looked over to see chuck was the one to throw it. The boy laughing and pointing at Mia.

Mia slowly turning her head to the person she had crashed into, her hands still on his chest, as she looked up to see Newt "Hi.." She said, her voice airy with shock. "Hello" He smiled, at this point both of their faces were pink, until they realized what position they were in, they pushed off eachother. Mia searching her head awkwardly. Before Minho called her name, and passed her a balloon, She caught it slickly, before throwing it, and nailing another boy in the shoulder.

She laughed as she ended up being the only one who Didn't get hit in the end, All the boys covered in the opposite team colour. She saw Minho whisper something to one of the boys, who whispered it to another, and then another. God what did he do? Mia's thoughts echoed through her mind. Once the whisper had reached every glader Minho spoke up, Stepping forward, hands crossed behind his back. "Mia! Me and the gladers have decided, that it is unfair, you're the only one that's clean" Minho began. "Oh no" Mia laughed shaking her head slowly. "So we're gonna need you to stand right there" He pointed at an empty spot. "Okay..." She walked over to the spot, but instantly regretted it, when all the glader boys surrounded her, Holding water balloons of both team colours "Uh oh" Mia had finnaly realized what they were planning, Next thing she knew she was having water balloons whipped all over her, That went on for 5 Minutes, till all of the spare water balloons were used up.

Mia took her hands and wiped water off her eyes, Splahing it off her hands, onto the floor. She looked down at her Now purple shirt, and looked back up to the boys. Who were trying to hold back their laughs. "This is so not funny" She says squeezing water out of her hair, But you could tell she thought it was, she was smiling after all. "Oh it so is" Minho bursted out laughing, at Newts comment, Minho started a whole chain of laughter, before Mia spotted one single balloon, filled with red flowers, Mia walked over, Grabbed it, Walked back behind Newt, and slapped it over his head, He gasped as everyone went silent. before turning to the short girl, Who was smiling like a child, She started giggling slightly. Before Once again, the gladers started laughing.

That was one of the best days in the glade, The small things kept them motivated, and That was just what they needed, It would be much more fun with alby, But, Alby was still sick sadly enough,So he couldn't participate. But all the gladers still enjoyed it, A lot. It was something they would remember for the rest of their lives. That was for sure.


Heyyy guys, this is another filler, bc i have no ideas, Thank you so much for
200 reads!! omg.

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Have a good day my loves 🫶
- XO ellie

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