005. Fruit Ninjas

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Mia had woken up early so that she could wish minho a good run, and see him before he left, she stood with newt, Minho, and Alby, as the walls rumbled once again, opening for the first time since ben's banishing.

"Be safe, please" Mia stood on her tippy toes trying to hug minho, "When am i not" He left go as Mia gave him a serious look, cocking her head slightly.
As she went to shake albys hand, as he was never a fan of hugs. "You too" She looked up at the dark skinned boy.
"I will" He says simply, as the doors slide open. The two boys run in rapidly. Leaving Newt and Mia on their own.

The brunette girl lets out a long sigh, as she bites the dead skin off her own cracked lips. "Don't worry Mia, They'll be alright" Newt comforts, "I have a bad feeling about this" She whispered, now using her fingers to push her lips closer to her mouth, just to bite them more.

Newt removed her hand from her face and held it in his, the tips of the girls ears going slightly pink as she looked at him. "Stop stressing yourself out, they'll be perfectly fine." He said once again reassuring the girl, squeezing her hand. She took a deep intake of the morning air before speaking again "You're right, i'm sorry, i'm just freaking myself out" She said tucking her hair behind her ear.

Newt nodded before letting go of her hand, and slowly walking away. Mia now left completely alone. She walked back to the med-jack hut, cleaning up the messy place, "god, i'm gone for two hours, and the boys can't even keep this place clean" She whispers to herself, re-wrapping the gauze roll, that was placed sloppily on the floor. Before grabbing a pen and a peice of paper, and writing in her messy handwriting, "Gone for the day, helping newt, and the greenie, Holla if you need me - Xo Mia" she grabbed a small strip of medical tape, ripped it with her teeth and stuck it to the cabinet, Before she hurried out to meet up with newt, once again.


Zart and Newt Whacked at a piece of wood, to, well, Mia didn't even know what they were doing at this point, she wasn't paying attention.

Chuck and The greenie 'Thomas' sitting on a log of wood the previously chopped

"It doesn't make sense, why would Alby go into the maze?" Thomas questioned. God, did this boy have a lot of questions.

"Alby went into the maze before sundown to retrace ben's steps" Newt explains.

"I thought non runners couldn't go into the maze." Thomas asked once again another question.

"Things are different now" Mia said simply.

"Look, are you gonna help?" The blonde boy asked thomas who was sitting not doing jack poo.

He didn't say anything. "Mia?" the boy asked annoyed. "Sure" She walked over, "I didn't help much yesterday. so why not make myself useful" Her feet planted infront of the Brit, Just now realizing how tall he was, Mia was only 5'2, and Newt looked around 5'10.
She stared up at him before innocently asking. "What are we doing again" She blinked blankly, once again not paying attention to what newt explained earlier. But newt didn't get time to explain, because thomas started asking questions. Again!!!

"So albys going back to where ben was stung?"

"Alby knows what he's doing, Alright?
He knows better then any of us" Newt waved around his machete, quite dangerously.

"Calm down fruit ninja, i need all my limbs to be a med-jack" Mia laughs stepping away from the Boy, As he looks at her with a slight smile. Before he handed Mia something, and went back to whacking.

"What does that mean?" Thomas asked

"It means you should ask less questions" Mia smiled slightly, thinking she was the only one to hear her little comment, until newt turned to her

"Mia." He said seriously. "Sorry" she giggled. Before newt turned to thomas.

"Alright, it's like you've heard, yeah?" he began, and started walking closer to thomas. "Every month, the box sends up a new arrival." He paused "Someone had to be first, huh. Someone had to spend a whole month in the glade alone." He paused once again. "And that was alby" He finnaly finished.

"I mean it can't have been easy" Newt started Whacking the wood once again.
"i mean once those boys started coming up, one after the other. He saw the truth. And he learned that one of the most important thing, is that we all have eachother. And we're all in this together." He used his machete, to refer to all three of the people standing.

Mia went behind next to Zart, and used her shovel, to start digging up to roots, making it easier, to chop the tree stump down. Thomas coming to join them. Using a big knife to start whacking.

A few minutes later Newt was talking again, and waving his machete around, after Mia told him not to specifically, And ending up cutting his forearm open.

"Newt! I told you not to wave that thing around" Mia scolded, the boy who's arm was bleeding.

"Oh well" He said "Not 'oh well' Come on, let's go." She started walking, but stopped when She realized he wanted to following.

"Go where?" He asked "The med-jack hut" She turned placing her hands on her hips, waiting for the boy. She stared daggers into him, as he stood there. Before he started following her.


"Hey guys" Mia said walking into the med-jack hut

"Hey. I thought you were out today?" Jeff asked "Yeah, what happend" clint finished for jeff.

"Newt happend, He was playing fruit ninja with his machete and cut his arm open." she announced, as the boy holding his bleeding arm walked in.

"Hey Newt" The boys said
"Hello." He responded simply.
"Mia do you want us to patch him up?" jeff Turned to the older girl. "It's fine i got this, thanks though" She smiles softly. "We were just about to get lunch, can we head out" Clint points to the door.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll be okay" She walks newt over to the bed, as he sits down.
The two boys walk out together, leaving the two alone once again.

Mia went rummaging through the drawers again, looking for the gauzes she had wrapped earlier, disinfectant, and medical tape she used.

Once she got the supplies she sat criss crossed infront of the boy, Who held his arm out for her. He winced as she pressed some towel on his cut, to stop the bleeding. "I'm sorry" She said not looking up from his arm.
"You're good" He stared at her, as she bit her lips, trying to focus, "Hold this here please, and apply pressure" She stood up from the bed. "Hello?" she waved her free hand infront of his face, to get him to hold it. As she walked to the counter to grab the disinfectant. And sat back down infront of him.
"Lift" she said softly, and he complied, lifting the towel. As she quickly wiped the wound with some water, to get the dry blood off. Newt once again staring at the focused girl. "This is gonna hurt, okay?" She makes sure to check in with him before spraying the disinfectant on his wound. He winces once again, but quickly stops when the pain faded, and Mia started wrapping his arm, with gauze, and using the tape to sucure it. "All done" she lightly patted the gauze. Looking up to Newt, who was just smiling. "What?" She smiled as her brows furrow. "Nothing, Nothing" he laughs well shaking his head. "Are you hungry" Mia asks "Beacuse i know i am" She stand up again. "Yeah, let's go get lunch" He copied her actions.

As she maze her way to the door she put her hands out, "Ladies first" A smug smile appears on her face. "Real smooth" Newt puts his hand on the door, And lets Mia go first again, as they both laugh.

Two chapter in one day, yall are lucky.
They're so cuteeeeee
I don't know what else to say.
Follow my tiktok!!
@ Sangsters.lvr


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